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"I've always wondered why my name means moon, but I never though it was because I could control it. I was born on a lunar eclipse and I look just like Sunniva even though we're  15 days apart."

"No Hala we were born in the same month of the same year but not on the same day. Weird right, mom was suppose to have one kid but ended up with two; we're not twins but we look alike I have a bright and active personality and Hala has a calm one. We're complete opposite just like the sun and the moon."

"That's why we're called the Twilight sister, Oh and Sunniva stop taking over my narration it's my turn, plus you over simplify things."

"Sorry and No I don't!" Sunniva screamed angrily

"Yes you do." replayed someone else 

The two starts to argue.

"Both of you stop it NOW" yelled the narrator

"She started it!" yelled both girls while pointing at one another.

"Hey," yelled the narrator again "Sunniva you already had your turn so now it's your sisters time to narrate."  she said as she looks at Hala.

"Well I'm Hala and this is my side of the story."

" I can't believe this." sighed Sunniva

"Sunniva to your room no dinner for you." said the narrator


I remember it like it was yesterday, mom and dad banned Sunniva from having dinner again it's like a thing for her.

"No it's not." yelled Sunniva 

....Laughter from the back...

"It's Not!"

Anyway,  I guess she knew what was going to happen cause that night Sunniva stormed off saying " It's the last time I'll see Dad and Hala" and it was.  

"Weren't you a little hard on her dear." said the mom 

"No I was not and I'm not apologising," answered the dad  "Hala help me water the plants."

"Yes dad," I replied  "Later mom."

"Ya Good bye dear" 

"Good bye to the both of you." mom said with a sad face "I'll talk to Sunniva."

Looking back I guess she knew something was about to happen, dad too he was in tears mumbling about how he was going to miss her. It was too weird; not the fact that dad was crying, but the fact that we never went to the garden oh no before I could say anything the city was already divided.

We were in front of a light blue house as blue as my hair, but as bright as the moon. I guess the legend was true, you know that one "when the child of twilight appear the city is forced to divide in two". I was expecting him to explain but instead he said "Welcome to our new home",  I thought he needed time to before he explain what's going on but.....

*3 days later*

" Dad when are you going to explain what's going on?"

"It show be obvious!!" yelled dad " when the child of twilight appears the city will split."

"Ya, but that's not it you and mom knew this was going to happen" I explained "so tell me what you know."

"We know the city will go back to normal when the child of twilight dies" He said while crying " but that would mean kill you and Sunniva."


"Hey, it's Sunniva i'm sure you all want to know what happens well you won't, because then the plot will be ruined and we don't want any foreshadowing yet anyway."

"No, it's because dad can't keep a secret"

"True, that's s true Hala." 


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