Chapter 1: devil creature

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"You dont know shit about me."

Brave slammed the door, leaving the counciler staring at the slammed, glass doors that now held cracks.

Her black ivory hair, hung low to her hip, hiding some of the scars that threatened to surface on her stomach, her brist walk showed her perfect curves and her blue eyes pierced all who dare to look in her direction.

Brave sneered at the police man at the door as she walked briskly to the outside of the godforsaken place.

"exuse me miss... you have caused quite a riot, i am afraid that we will have to arrest you... again."

"I'm not going back to jail you bastard."

brave strolled over to the police officer; knocked his hat off and bid him good-day.

she would not go back to jail... the police officer ran after her in the pelting rain. she was so much faster but being who she was... she was unable to show her speed.

brave came to a halt, turned towards the running police officer. she ran towards him catching him off guard, jumped and slammed her fist into his face... she kicked and screamed at him for taking her away again and again. she continously kicked him until she could no longer hear or see the breath of the 23 year old man she had just murdered.

she quickly sat atop of the dead police officer and drank. drank till her thirst was no longer beating in her ears. if she had a heart.... it would be beating furociously as she licked the remaining drops and headed into the night towards the trees.

she ran to her house. her mother was the only alive relative she had left.

she walzed into the house and heard her mothers heavy footspets echoing from the stairs.

"Why are you so late Brave? have you been drinking? you better have cleaned up after yourself you pathetic demon of a child. i hear you stormed out of couciling you retched girl, go die in a hole for all i care, what the alctual f*ck were you thinking; you idiot, you could have broken the glass; we dont have enough money as it is you f*cktard of a daughter. you dont deserve a mother like me. you will go to those classes if i have to drag you by the hair, you ungrateful child. now go upstairs... since you have already drunk, there will be no dinner and no breakfast. you cow you wouldnt wait could you.. no off to bed with you. i am dont with you... a child of the street would be a better daughter than you could ever be."


Brave stormed up the stairs. she was used to her mothers word abuse. she was used to being hurt by her mother if that was what she was. her so called mother had done so much to her... so much to hurt and torture her all becuase it was her fault her father died. she wanted to know what fire was and why she couldnt touch it... but before she was killed by the flames. her father saved her and took his own life. and ever since that day... her mother had never loved her. her mother had a reason to treat her this way. her mother always treated her like this but now she had a reason and her father could do nothing about it. he was... dead. and she was alone.

she was an angel before her father died which left her mother in a wreck. Brave's father loved her but her mother wanted a son. she never wanted brave and never loved brave. she seriously would pick up a child from the streets if she had to. would anyone love her like her father? would she be alone forever? she was not a devil and she loved it. she was a monster; created by her father... she was the last one left. no werewolves, no genie's, no supernatural beings left. there was just her and her father... and after he got burnt... she was the only one left.

her mother knew but other than that... the humans had no idea. they knew about these creatures but didnt believe...

she was a devil creature and wouldnt change it for the world

20% angel, 80% devilWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt