Chapter 6: ice cream

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"What flavor so you want princ..." brave death glared Declan .... "I mean brave"

"Um... mango tango please."

"And you sir" the lady at the Counter said.

"Bubblegum thanks."

"Surely sir..." the lady at the counter was Asian. she short copper black hair. dark skin And glasses that were cracked. She was old but was really nice... she had piercing green eyes. she was pretty... she was a really nice lady... she wished her mother was like that...

"hey brave are you ok???"

brave just shook her head and walked out of the ice-cream shop and sat down on a two- seater table outside. if was silver and cold... it made brave shiver...

"brave you forgot your ice-cream"

"Thank-you declan."

declan put a strand of hair behind her ear and saw the tears that were streaming down her face.

"come here brave..."

brave dropped her ice cream as declan lifted her up and put her on his lap like she weighed nothing... and to his suprise she didnt pull away... she leaned in and cryed on his shoulder making his shirt wet with tears...

"shhhh brave; i dont know what you are going through, and i am not sure if you will be ok... but be strong brave you can do this."

brave nuzzled her head in declans deck and whispered 'thank you...'

she pulled back and looked declan in the eye. he stroked her hair and she took a deep breath.

"declan you are the only one that said it wont be ok... i like that. i hate it when they all say it will be ok, when they say it will all turn out ok. ha b*llsh*t declan. its all b*llsh*t... thank you for being the first that didnt tell me lies.. thank you for not saying all the b*llsh*t"

"wow there was alot of swearing in that brave. no wonder you got so many detentions"

declan howled in laughter and to his surprise... brave laughed as well. she laughed until new tears arose.... but these were tears of joy.

"declan i'm....i'm crying."

"brave... what did i do..."

"shhh no silly.... they are tears of joy. i have never cryed because i was happy before."

declan chuckled and kissed brave on the cheek. and for the first time in her life she blushed.... which made declan howl with laughter... she hit him playfully and lent against his shoulder. and then it started to rain.

"hey you know what prince...i mean brave. we didnt end up eating out ice-cream that i paid for."

and sure enough there were two ice-cream puddles on the floor. brave chuckled and declan smiled.

"We should get you home brave.... no i uh... have to eat." in truth she wasnt going to eat the ice-cream anyway. she liked it but her mouth was full of venom.

she jumped away from declan and landed flat on her feet....

"Brave whats wrong? you look like you are about to kill somebody."

"declan....i....i have to go." and with that brave ran towards and into the woods... looking back to see declan standing in the rain shouting her name... she couldnt take it. she was too hungry to be around declan any longer.

once she was in the safety of the forest... she used her power's to speed through the forest. she found a deer and gracefully caught it... she killed it and drank... although you couldnt see it becuase she was facing in the opposite direction...

brave whipped around, licked her lips and ran home.


"i see you have already eaten young lady."

"yes i was in a room full of humans and i couldnt take it anymore."

"learn to control it you useless piece of sh*t, get over yourself... what about my new boyfriend hey? want him too."

braves mouth watered and her fangs extracted...

"Oh you do... well you know what... you can wait till next week since you could wait one hour for dinner. go to your room and stay there. yousless daughter... if i can even call you that."

"What the actuall f*ck is wrong with you. i have always been a faithful daughter. its you who acts like a monster instead of a mother. i could kill you right here and now and you couldnt do a things becuase you are human..."

"Dont you dare talk to me like that you pice of flilth. i have been nothing but good to you..."

brave cut her off...

"Good to me... i cannot even call you a mother for goodness sake... you have done nothing for me. it wasnt all my fauly that dad died ok... get over yourself. he would be disgusted in you."

"ahh how dare you talk about my husband like that..."

"He is my father you piece of trash mother."

"How dare you!!! he would spank you for that."

"Yeah well he's not exactly here to do that now is he..."

brave stormed out of the house, slammed the door and into the thundering rain and headed to declans house.

20% angel, 80% devilOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora