Chapter 15

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"How're you finding the new arrangements?" Hunter texted.

"I'm... Adjusting to say the least." I replied.

H: Have you made any friends yet?

J: I've been here for literally 2 days

J: I haven't even unpacked yet

J: Can't get myself to do it

H: Yeah I just thought

H: Nevermind

J: Thought what?

J: That I'd go around looking to make new connections as soon as I arrive?

H: Well yeah, why wouldn't you?

J: I left Hilltown to get away from people.

J: In fact I'd like to stay away from people as much as I could

H: Is Germany that bad?

J: It's the opposite of bad actually

J: But I'd like to find myself for a while

J: Plus, I think it's better if I stay away from people until I adjust to my meds

H: Did your doctor say how long would you be taking medicines btw?

J: Yes

J: She did

H: How long?

J: ...

J: They're permanent.

H: I'm sorry

H: What about the adjustment phase? How long will that take?

J: It should take a couple of weeks to a month

J: It's all about learning to identify what's real and what isn't

J: Ignoring the sounds and the visions will help

J: Once, you know

J: I figure out which are visions and which are not

H: Think of it like you have superpowers

H: Visions from a parallel universe

J: That's one way to think of it

J: Another one is how I spent a few weeks bonding with a friend who doesn't exist :)

H: God I feel terrible I wasn't there for you

J: Don't be. You have your own life.

J: I have two lives now. One of which doesn't exist. Just imaginary friends.

H: You have real ones too though

J: And I left them all

H: But you'll get back to them soon as you recover

J: I don't think I'm going to come back to Hilltown, or Parkridge all together.

J: It's easier this way

H: Well if Germany is as nice as you say I guess I'll need to visit

J: Hunter

J: Please don't do this. I'm taking a break of everyone and everything.

J: I'll text you sometime soon I guess

H: But Jack-

J: Goodbye Hunter, I love you.

I turned my phone off before I could see any response. And then I went to sleep on my own bed which 15 years ago, I was in it, being told a story about Theodore FelineStein the pet shelter owner who lost his cat.

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