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Here is another part of the Alpha/Omega Maylor series ;) This is a 4 chapter part, all based on their Love Confession and how they got together! This first chapter was written by us both! Please look forward to the next 3! They should be out very soon<3
Co-Writer: Lion-62

The alpha stared at the calendar that hung on the wall of the studio. Annabelles heat was in a two weeks. And he had promised to bond with her before even thinking about it. Did he want to bond with her, or was it easy, simple, the right thing to do ?

"Earth to Brian!" Roger snapped behind him. Brian turned to the omega who had been in a awful mood the past few days. He had dark circles under his eyes, his pink lips were chapped and bleeding where he had been biting at them. When anyone would talk to the young member he would reply in sarcasm or just glare. His playing had been off, nothing flowing together. Brian would normally say it was Roger's heat coming on, but he knew by the man's smell he was 2 months off. 'How do I know that? I can't even tell where Annabelle is in her cycle.'

"Sorry, what?" Brian muttered casting his eyes downwards when roger glared.

"Freddie is waiting for us. We are talking about what song is on the B side of Bohemian Rhapsody." Roger huffed turning on his heel. Brian followed slowly behind, his thoughts still lost on what he should do. Brian entered the control booth and sat next to John on the sofa.

"Alright darlings, what song is going on the B side~" Freddie began but was cut off my Roger.

"I'm in love with my car is the only one of our fucking songs that doesn't completely suck." He snaps, ignoring the glare from the bassist. Folding his arms, he clicked his tongue as Freddie rolled his eyes.

"Roger, for the last FUCKING time. No. Way. In. Hell." The other omega snaps right back.

"Why the HELL not?! Maybe we should go with 'You smell sweet like you're some kind of cheese'?! Sure Annabelle would love it!!" Roger hisses, sending a glare to Brian.

"What the hell does my song have to do with your bitching?" Brian snapped. He didn't even want the song on the back of the single. The song wasn't completely about Annabelle. "Leave my omega out of this."

Roger turned on his heels quickly and was right in front of the alpha before anyone could blink. Snarling down at the taller man.

"Oh, your omega?! NEW FLASH: You're not bonded! She doesn't belong to you! And doubt you even love her! You alphas are ALL the same!!" The younger man yells. His entire being felt like it was on fire. He was so irritated but he didn't know why.... "Whatever you've built up on your head, thinking you love her or whatever, but true love doesn't exist!" The alpha beside Brian shifted slightly and folded his arms. Trying to stay out of it as much as possible, but he couldn't help but glance at his own omega.

"Roger, what are you even talking about! I'm about to bond with Annabelle." Brian huffed trying to keep his cool. "Why did you even bring her up. And I do lo-love her." Brian felt the lie as he said it. He didn't love her, not anymore. But he had been with her for so long, his parents liked her, he had to bond her. It was his duty, even if the one he loved was in front of him. ' Fuck I do love him, but I can't leave Annabelle when he won't love me back.'

"How do you know what I feel!" Anger towards himself raised in the alpha. How could he be doing this to everyone around him. He loved Roger but he was bonding with another. "Haven't you ever been in love? No? Then don't tell me how I feel!" Brian hated himself so much right now.

"I HAVE BEEN IN LOVE, YOU ASSHOLE! AND UNFORTUNATELY HE 'LOVES' SOME AMERICAN BIMBO!" Roger screams, his face red with anger, before he quickly shut his mouth. Realizing what he just confessed to. Everyone's eyes were wide and staring at Roger is shock as the omega stared into those hazel eyes with disbelief. Tears started to form in his eyes as he quickly turned and bolted out of the door. Trying to get as far way from all of them as possible.

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