When I fell in Love

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Hope y'all enjoy. I honestly feed off comments, so please let us know what you think!! This chapter is mine, the next will be by JessiDWaton!


Roger was in love with someone. Someone who was dating an American. He was the only one who was dating someone from America, it had to be him. ' Roger is in love with me?' His mind was buzzing as he took in the information.

Coming back to himself he felt his jaw hanging open, he snapped it closed with an audible click. He looked to his side, John had a hand on his shoulder looking worried. He stared blankly at the other alpha before turning towards the door. He needed a walk, time to think. The air hit him, making him breath for what felt like the first time in minutes. He turned on the sidewalk and let his feet carry him.

' What am I to do? How long has Roger been in love with me?' He asked himself. 'How long have I been in love with Roger?' He still remembered the first time he had felt love for the omega. When his feeling had changed from a crush to love.

'They were on their first tour in America, in Denver or somewhere on the west coast. They had been right in the middle of the concert, playing Doing Alright. The crowd had been singing with them, the energy high.

Brian turned to look at Roger, their eyes had locked. Everything melted away for Brian, all there had been was those blue eyes, his brow covered in a thin layer of sweat. His blond hair wild, his shirt open showing that pale chest. Roger had stared right back, playing like it was the easiest thing in the world. His pink lips smirked, arms flying around him, eyes still locked on Brian's hazel ones. Suddenly he bit his bottom lip and rocked his head forward letting the music move him.

When the omega looked up once more their eyes caught again. Roger's mouth had popped open, mimicking a silent scream. His eyes shut slowly, his chest raising and falling quickly. He looked pornographic. Then the song ended.

Roger looked back at him and smiled brightly. His chest still falling quickly.

"Good job!" Roger had smiled, happiness filling his entire being. 'I will do anything to keep that happy look on him.' Brian had thought his heart swelling with love, his cock with lust.'

That had been months ago. But Roger was such a flirt. That same night they had gone to a bar and Roger had flirted his way around the bar. He had even taken a beta man back to his room. Of course when Brian had gotten to the room Roger was pushing him out looking pissed.

But then there was Annabelle. The sweet American girl who he was meant to bond with. They were going to bond in a week. He didn't know when he had fallen out of love with her. Now that he thought of it he had never felt anything for her that he felt for Roger. She was more just someone to hold so he wasn't alone.

He couldn't bond her now. It would just hurt her in the end.

Guilt flooded his mind. He had to do this for his parents, they wanted grandchildren. For Annabelle, she depended on him. If didn't stay with her she would be out on the streets.

But what about what he wanted? He could hardly find pleasure when he was with Annabelle anymore. Could hardly get it up. When he finally did it was only because he was thinking about those blue eyes and pink lips. About holding that slim body close. He always had to think about waking up and seeing Roger snuggled close, stealing all the blankets for his freezing body. Even now at the thought of seeing the omega like that it brought a smile to his lips.

The alpha looked around to see where he was, noticing he was in front of his flat he shared with Annabelle. Sighing he made up his mind, knowing what he had to do.

"Hey, sweetheart." The southern voice rung out as he stepped inside. "You're home early, y'all finish fast today?" Brian looked at the blonde with regretful eyes.

"Ann, can we talk?" Brian moved to the coffee table, sitting on it in front of her. He looked her over, everything about her was so different from Roger. Yes, Roger was blond but it was darker than her nearly white. Her breast were large, mouth surrounded by plump lips, two rows of perfect white teeth inside. The woman's eyes were such a dark brown they were nearly black, and her skin was darkened by the sun.

"Course. What's wrong?" Her eyes filled with concern as she looked at him. Brian dropped his head, shame filling him.

"I-I can't bond... bond with you." He breathed out as softly as he could, but loud enough so he wouldn't have to say it again. "Annabelle, you're an amazing omega-"

"Bri, look at me." She cut him off and took his hand. Slowly he raised his gaze to see her smiling softly at him, understanding in her teary eyes. "I know you can't, were not right for each other anymore." Brian stared at her, completely shocked.


"Oh Brian." She laughed softly a tear falling onto her rosy cheek. "Everyone can see you love someone else. I'm not angry with you, you've taken such good care of me, but we were never meant to be. You're a rock star, and I'm a country girl who wants a farm and a wedding in a barn. You deserve someone who wants to travel all over and make music. I don't. I've never even been to one of your concerts."

"But Annabelle-"

"Brian, its okay. I don't blame you, we just hung on too long." The omega let go of his hand and looked to the stairs. Brian followed her gaze, all her things sat in a few suitcases, waiting. "I have actually met a beta, I haven't cheated, but he's someone I know back from the states. Hes here for a few weeks but then is going back. I'm going to stay with him then go back home."

"Annie, I'm still so sorry."

"Don't be, I've been planning this for a long time. I should have just done it sooner." Tears flowed from her eyes as she gazed at the alpha. Brian gathered her in arms, hugging her tight.

"I hope you find an amazing alpha... who wants a farm." Brian whispered with a soft laugh.

"I hope you and Roger are happy." She sighed, Brian pulled back quickly looking her over in question. "John called, he told me what happened. He told me to tell you Freddie took Roger back to his flat. And that 'The car fucking song is the B side'. Am I meant to know what that means?"

"No, I'm sorry to say I have to know what it means." Brian rolled his eyes hugging the woman once more. There was a honk from outside, Annabelle pulled away.

"That's my cab." Together they gathered her things and put them in the vehicle. "I'll let you know when I get there and when I get back to the states."

"Please do." Brian smiled and shut her door, watching as the cab drove away. The alpha stood there for a moment thinking about how much he was grateful for the omega woman.

' I need to talk to Roger.' Brian thought as he looked towards his car. He had walked quite a ways from the studio to home, and Roger lived further than that. He quickly got into the vehicle and drove down the busy streets of London, he needed to get to his omega.

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