Let Me Love You

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Here is the last part of the Confession!
We both hope you enjoy it and we're already working on their first date;)
See ya'll soon!!!
Co-Writer: Lion-62

Brain saw those blue eyes go from sadness, surprise, fear, hurt, panic and finally settle to confusion. Roger immediately started to close the door, the alpha slammed him hand into it, forcing it open. Roger jumped at the sound smack, Brian felt guilt flood him again.

"I need to talk to you, Roger." The alpha whispered in a gentle tone, looking desperately at the omega. The blond shook his head, nearly violently. He grabbed the door with both hands, trying to close it once again. Before even thinking, Brian let out a deep growl, his hold on the door stay firm.

"Pl-please.... Just leave me alone..." Roger's voice broke for the hundredth time that day. Tears slowly dripping down his cheeks. "I don't want to talk to you... I don't want anything to do with you..." It was a lie and he didn't even try to sound convincing. It just made him feel a little better to try and come off strong, even if he knew how weak he truly was.... Brian knew the omega was weak... shit... everyone knew...

Tears started to blur his vision as he tried to hold them back. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood and he quickly looked away. Attempting to shove the door again, whimpering when the stronger alpha kept a firm hold.

"Brian, please...." He whines softly, bringing his eyes up to meet the alphas gaze. His eyes begging the older man to leave.

Brian saw the plea for him to turn around and never look back. He wanted to listen to his omega, but he knew if he left the omega would only hurt more. Shaking his head, Brian stepped into the room, inches away from the omega.

"No, Roger. I need to talk to you." He whispered, he took that soft face in his hands and swiped the wetness away. "I love you." Hardness set into the omegas eyes. He thinks I'm lying, Brian thought with shame.

"Roger, I do love you, and not like how I love Freddie or John. In a way that my soul clenches when you're not near me. I love you, when I see you smile because of me I want to dance. When someone looks at you or makes you upset..." A deep snarl left the alpha, he had to look away to keep his emotions under control. "I love you so much Roger, I want to be yours and you to be mine. I want to be the one makes you smile. You're the one all my songs are about before I review them. ' Sweet like some kind of cheese. ' Was originally about how sugary your scent is, how intoxicating. I love you Roger Taylor." His hands still held the omegas face keeping him from looking away. Brian let every emotion he had pushed away over the past year show on his face, not hiding anything from his love.

The words flooded Rogers brain and he felt dizzy. There's no way.... No way Brian felt this deeply....no.... He couldn't bring himself to believe it... He sounded so genuine... So loving.... But....

No one could ever love an omega like you. You're not even that attractive! Only good thing about you is that pretty little ass.

No one will ever truly love me...

Roger shook his head, slapping the alphas hands off him.

"Don't lie to me... You have your pretty omega. You're just trying to be nice or trying to get a good laugh. No one could ever-...." The omega is shaking now, trying not to break under Brian's hard gaze. "Love doesn't exist..." He whispers mostly to himself.

Brian stared at the omega in shock. The alpha could see the self hatred in his eyes. The alpha grabbed the young man by the hips and pulled him close.

"I do love you Roger." He whispered softly before pressing his lips gently to the omegas in a short soft kiss. He pulled back just enough so he could look into those endless blue eyes, their lips still together. "I love your voice, how smooth and relaxed you can make anything sound, and how high you can go. I love your blond messy hair, how when you're playing it falls over your face. I love your confidence about your musical skills, you know you're good. I love the way you look at me, how gentle and kind you are with our fans. How love how you are always cold, even when it's burning up outside you're still freezing. God I just want to be your personal heater, to have your face tucked into my neck, your body close to me.

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