The Pain of Love

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Hey ya'll! Here is the next chapter of the Confession!<3 This is what was happening with Roger while Brian left and ended everything with Annabelle.
There is mention/thought of suicide/Self-Harm. Nothing bad and it lasts for a second, but I know it can be triggering so please read at your own risk!
Please enjoy<3

The space Roger had confined himself into was dark and tight. He secretly thanked god for his smaller, more feminine figure to allow him to even hide in such places. His knees were pressed tightly to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs, and face was buried in the small space between his legs and chest.


His own words echoed through his head as he squeezed his eyes shut. Tears streaming down his face as he remembered the look in the alpha's eyes. Disbelief, shock, and something else Roger couldn't quite name.... Whatever it was, it probably wasn't good...

Biting his lip, the omega thought back to all the times he shared with the older, sweet man... The first time they met... How sweet Brian was during the tour, trying to keep him warm.... But Roger mainly remembered the way his heart fluttered one night at a bar...

It was just after a performance in New York and the entire band was high off the crowd and music, so they decided to go out and just have fun. Roger's scent blockers were already wearing off and drinking alcohol did nothing to help his situation. If fact, it just made his scent more pungent and break through the blockers... Though Roger could have cared less at the time. He was just enjoying the time with his friends... Until different alpha's kept bothering him and making moves onto him. One even got the balls to give Roger's ass a squeeze. But before the omega to do anything to protect himself, the strange man yelled out in pain as his arm was ripped off Roger's body and twisted back in a way arms were never supposed to twist.

Roger's eyes widened in shock as this entire scene happened so fast. He slowly turned his head to see Brian behind him, glaring and growling at the man. His hazel eyes were dark and lips in a firm frown. The omega felt his heart flutter and lust surge through him.

"Keep your hands off him ." Brian growled darkly. His voice seemed to of dropped an octave, making Roger bite his lip and try to suppress a whine from leaving his throat. The alcohol coursing through his system doing nothing to help the growing lust inside him.

For the rest of the night, Brian refused to let Roger out of his sight. If an unwanted alpha approached Roger, the older man would simply loop his arm around the small omega and glare at the other.

No one had ever protected Roger like that before... No one had ever cared enough... But here was an alpha... proving him wrong... That maybe all alphas weren't the same...

A small knock brought Roger back to the present when he just desperately wanted to live in that memory forever...

"Rog, darling, you can't hide in there forever..." Freddie's voice was soft on the other side of the cabinet door. Roger huffed.

"Watch me..." He muttered. The older omega sighed as his tone grew more annoyed.

"God damnit, Roger. Get your tiny ass out of the fucking cupboard before I force you out!" The older man threatens.

"Good luck!" Roger snaps, trying to ball up even more. There is no sound from the otherside, making him slightly hopefully that Freddie just left. But he knew better then that. After a moment, his friend spoke up again.

"Rog... Come on... Stop acting like a child. Let's talk about this. Face to face. Like adults." Freddie says in a gentle, yet stern voice.

"" The younger man mutters softly, sounding exactly like the child he was being.

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