fell x dream

388 6 3

I couldn't come up with a name
Requested by Im_A_Minty_Boi

"Get away from me asshole" "No your hurt I want to help" "I don't need your help dammit"

Oh wait...
Flashback time

Sans' brother just left him there, to bleed to death. When he heard a voice from behind him "Are you ok?" "I'm fine now leave me alone" "Are you sure" "Of course I'm fucking su-" His words were cut off by him plunging into darkness

Time skip

Fell sat up quickly, which he quickly regretted. As he sat down he said to him self "where the hell am I" "Your in my room" Fell jumped a little at the sudden voice he turned around to see that guy from yesterday. "Why the hell did you bring me here" "You were injured" "Doesn't mean you drag me into your fucking house" "Watch the language! Do you want anything"
"Water and make it quick" The skeleton returned shortly with a glass of water "took you long enough"
"My name is Dream" "Ok I care why"
"What's yours" "It's fell"

One week later when sans was healed

"Are you sure you wanna go back"
"Yes" "But what if he hurts you again"
"You know what I might say a little longer"

Sorry if it was to short and I feel like I messed up dream's personality
Hope you enjoyed
Sweets out

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