Chapter 8:I'm Wen Junhui.

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It was time for lunch.

The boys found out they had their own lounge.

According to their teacher the school provided a lounge so that they can relax and have private time.

The boys went to check out the lounge.

It had a TV, five couches, three coffee tables, an empty shelf, pantry and mini fridge.

"Being a chosen is awesome!" Soonyoung happily plopped himself on the couch.

"Indeed."Seokmin agreed and turned on the TV. "Anyone up for Modern Family?"

"Lets watch something we all like."

"I suggest SpongeBob!"

"Mingyu you're sixteen not six. SpongeBob can fuck outta here."

"Whose idea was it to have a TV in here? Now none of you will focus on your studies."Seungcheol sighed.

"Shut it old man. Lets just see what's on."Chan grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels.

Jun got bored and texted one of his girls to meet up with him on the roof.

"Where you going?" Seungcheol gave him a questioning look.

"To get some."was all he could say and left.

The rest boys made disgusted faces.Knowing what he meant.


Jun made his way to the roof.

He for some reason,couldn't get Minghao's words out of his head.

That's all he could think about all day.

It affected him in so many ways.

He opened the door that led to the rooftop and found the girl he texted.

"What's up handsome."she playfully winked.

"Hey Yeeun. Let's just get this over this with."he mumbled and roughly pressed his lips against hers.

Yeeun gladly kissed him back.

The kiss went on like that until Yeeun realized something was off.

"Hey you okay?"

"Yeah, why."Jun tried to kiss her again but she moved away.

"You just look like you got something on your mind. Care to tell?" she caressed his arm hopping we would tell her.

He groaned and ran a hand through his hair.

"So the other day my roommate Minghao told me he didn't like me. He said I was too cocky and selfish."

Yeeun gasped.

"What? That freak said that?"

"Yeah! Can you believe that! Me!? Unlikeable?Everyone loves me.I'm Wen Junhui.I'm hot, cool, popular, rich and have you seen this hair!My smile could light up New York City after dark. What's not to like! Plus my body was practically made by the gods!"

Jun basically went on a rant.

"Don't worry baby. He's just jealous. I mean, he's just an ugly freak that no one likes.You're ten times better than him.Now, kiss me."she grabbed his neck and proceeded to make out with him.

He felt good that someone was praising him. He loved being praised.

"Let's go to the genator's closet. I want more. How does that sound?" Yeeun smirked.

"Let's go" he dragged her out.

They walked down the empty halls.

Just as they were to take the last corner they saw Minghao being ganged by his bullies.

"Just ignore them."Yeeun rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm forcefully.

But something inside Jun told him to stay and help Minghao.

"How bout you go I'll meet you there."


"Just go bitch!"

"Geez fine. Don't take long I'm already horny enough as it is" she clicked her tongue and walked away.

"What's up Minghao. Missed us?" Jackson pushed him and he fell on the hard floor.

"Hey! How bout you pick on someone your own size Jake" Jun cracked his knuckles.

"It's Jackson!" he corrected.

"Like anyone remembers. Leave him alone."

"What you gonna do. Fight us?"Yugyeom snickered.

" You seriously have the nerve to fight a member of the Chosen? Where's your respect?"Jun crossed his arms in anger.

The boy wasn't wrong.

It doesn't matter who the person is. They have to respect them for they have been chosen to protect the earth they live in.

Even if one of them was a wizard.

"I ain't gonna respect this piece of trash. Wait a minute. Is Wen Junhui protecting a wizard? Is this really happening? What on earth?" Jeabum shook his head in disappointment.

"Did you forget what his people did to us?!" He added.

"Get your head out of your ass. This isn't the 1800 hundreds anymore. Now, I'm gonna count upto three and if you're not gone by then I'm gonna use my telacanisis on you, and let me just say you ain't gonna like it."he gave them a dark look.

The look itself scared them.

No one wanted to mess with a chosen.

"And before you leave let me warn you first. If I hear or see you picking on Minghao I'm gonna fucking kill you got that?"

They nodded and nervously left.

"What the fuck! You didn't have to do  that!" Minghao flipped out.

Jun was expecting a thank you but not that.

"I just saved your ass you ungrateful underweight whale. Did you see how selfless I was! Who's selfish now" Jun flipped his immaginary hair.

Minghao realized what Jun did and face palmed himself in anger.

"You didn't save me because you're nice. You did it so that you'd look good. If you want to be a hero then you have to save people out of good will and expect to not get anything in return. Got it Jun? Have a pure heart."

They looked at each other dead in the eyes.

Jun wasn't angry.

He was furious.

He just did something good and got nothing in return.

And the fact Minghao had the nerve to lecture him made him more furious.

Before he could even speak Minghao was gone.

Jun looked around to see where he went.

He figured he had teleported or something.

The brown headed boy angrily stomped to the genetors closet.

"What took you so long-"Yeeun got interrupted by Jun's lips.

She wanted to ask what happened but Jun wasn't giving her a chance.

He wanted to let go all his anger.

He eventually pulled away.

He leaned close to her ear and whispered.

"This time is gonna really hurt. Hope you don't mind?"

"It's okay baby I like it rough"

Jun smirked and went back to kissing her.


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