Chapter 11:Curse

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Did they hear it right?

Were they really getting a leader.

The same day.

In their heads, a leader was gonna change everything.

They wanted the spot for leader.

All of them.

"So how can one of us become leader?" Chan asked.

"All you have to do is complete a complicated obstacle. Last one standing wins."

"Easy peasy"

"That's it wow. Lame."

"Come one. I need a good challenge."

The boys kept acting as if they could handle it.

Nayoung just smirked at the stupidity.

"How bout you go home and rest. Tomorrow is going to be a big day. Class dismissed."

The boys made their way out of class.

It was quiet except for the small talks between Jeonghan and Jisoo.

They were getting along great.

"I fucking swear if Chan becomes leader imma gonna kill myself."Jihoon was the first to speak up when they got home.

"Why you say that shorty?" Chan glared.

"Cause you're just a toddler. Imagine being led by someone younger than you."

"Imagine being led by a dwarf."

Chan and Jihoon continued to bicker until they heard somebody else speak up.

"You guys complaining about age and height but keeping forgetting that there is a chance a disgusting wizard might lead us."Jisoo said as he sipped his blueberry soda.

Jeonghan gave him a disappointed glare.

Jisoo just ignored it.

"Oh right.That freak. If he aslo wins imma kill myself."Jihoon said and went to his room.

Minghao was just seated on the couch, listening to everything thing they were saying.

He had enough.

He got up to confront the two boys.

But mostly Jisoo.

"What's your problem man!" Minghao snapped at him.

The older just looked at him, unfazed.

"Come again freak?"

"Jisoo stop. I thought we talked about this."Jeonghan placed his hand on his shoulder. He sternly looked at him.

"Stay out of this Jeonghan. The freak wants to talk. Let him talk."

Jisoo looked at the blonde with a smile.

Jeonghan just sighed.

He hopped it won't get out of hand.

"I know what you think of me. I didn't want to say anything at first because I didn't want the attention. But now it's getting annoying. Not only do you talk shit about me but also my kind. I'm giving you this chance to apologize."

The whole room was watching the two boys.

Jun fixed his gaze on Minghao.

He noticed how he was radiating with power.

It amazed him.

It amazed everyone.

Jisoo slightly felt intimidated but kept himself together.

"Never gonna happen freak."Jisoo looked into his eyes.

Minghao smirked.

"If that's the case then I shall place a curse on you until you apologize. You will beg for forgiveness."

And with that the Chinese male recited a spell.

A strong wind blew in.

Jisoo fell to the floor unconscious.

Jeonghan let out a scream and ran to his side.

"Was that really necessary. What did you to him!" it was Jeonghan's turn to get angry.

"When he wakes he will experience extreme hallucinations. Ones that make you kill yourself."he spoke with no emotion.

"Are you insane? Fine. I'll apologize on his behalf."Jeonghan was basically on the verge of tears.

"I appreciate your effort Jeonghan but I want a clear sorry from the Christian boy. He's the one talking crap about me. Besides I like you more than him. You actually like me."

Jeonghan didn't know who to blame.

Who should he be mad at?

Jisoo? Minghao?



After the fiasco everyone went to their rooms.

"Are you okay?" Jun asked as he and Minghao entered their room.

"Yeah?I'm not sick."he looked at Jun as if he was stupid.

"Are you sure you aren't sick in the head."he pointed to his head and the younger just rolled his eyes.

"Yes I am. Any more questions?"

"You took it too far. You're literally proving why nobody likes wizards and witches."

For the first time Jun made sense.

But Minghao refused to admit it.

"Shut it you don't know me. For the first time I stood up to someone and it felt great. So tomorrow at school I'm going to end Jackson and his bitches!" he smiled like a maniac.

"As in kill them!?"

"Yes. They're gonna regret bullying me!"


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