Part 2

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After putting my plate in the dishwasher, I went up to my room. I got on a different hoodie and a pair of dark blue jeans. I tied the laces on my red converse and grabbed my bag and phone. I then raced downstairs and waited by the door for Jonah.
"Where ya going?" Daniel asked. I shrugged.
" Don't really know yet. Just out. " Daniel nodded in understanding and turned around towards the blaring television. A few minutes later Jonah came down in a dark blue shirt, light jeans, white Vans and a black beanie.
"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and opened the door.
"Yeah, where do you wanna go?" I replied. I really wanted to go to the mall or just drive around talking, but he was being so nice to me that I just let him choose where to go. He was quiet for a few seconds.
"How about we just drive around? We haven't done that in a while." He suggested.
"Okay," was the reply. We both got in his car and started driving, not knowing where we were going. Jonah eventually pulled the car over to the side of the road.
" You know where we haven't gone in a while? The boardwalk. Wanna go? " I was surprised by this, the boardwalk was always in the back of my mind as my favorite memory with Jonah. We used to go there all the time.
"Sure!" I smiled at him. His face brightened.
"There it is again!" He exclaimed .
"What?" I asked , confused.
"Your smile." He replied. I looked down as a pink tinge found its way to my face. Why am I blushing? It's just Jonah! I had to tell myself that often. He was my best friend, I couldn't like him and he couldn't like me. That's just how it has to be. I didn't want it to become like it was with Colton. I needed to have Jonah in my life.
"Come on, the boardwalk's this way!" Jonah said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me . It had been so long since I had last been here....
My eyes caught on the Ferris wheel and I took the lead, pulling Jonah towards the colorful lights.
"Hurry up!" I giggled. When we reached in, Jonah doubled over panting heavily. We were the only ones there, since it was still pretty early. The operator let us on and wheeled us up to the top, where he stopped it. I gasped, forgetting how beautiful LA was from the Ferris wheel.
"It's so beautiful up here..." I looked out happily across the city. Jonah was staring at me.
"Why do you keep looking at me like that?" I asked, laughing.
" I don't know, you're just so beautiful... I can't help it. "
I laughed harder, thinking it was a joke, before I saw his face. He was dead serious. I stopped laughing and awkwardly looked down, a blush already forming in my cheeks.
"No Jonah. We can't do this; I don't want it to become like it was with Colton. Please, Jonah." My laugh had died, in its place was a frown and an apologetic look. Jonah looked broken-hearted.
" Okay. I guess you're right. It's for the best. " he shook off the sad look and threw me a genuine smile. I looked away sadly because...
Because I couldn't return it.

Sorry it's so short guys! Only 561 words today, about half of what I aim for....oof.
Anyways, here's a few questions for you guys. If you'd answer them, I'd be so happy! I don't care if it's three years into this part being published, I'd love to talk with you and know what you think!

Question 1) So far, who is your favorite character? Do you think Taylor will end up with Jonah? With Colton? Daniel, Zack, or Jason? Lemme know!

Question 2) Who do you think should play the characters? This was originally a Why Don't We fanfiction, so those were the original cast. Since it's changed a bit, the cast can change too! Please let me know what you think!

Question 3) If you had to describe you favorite character in three words, what would they be? (For example, if you favorite character was Jonah, you might say "Kind, Compassionate, and Brotherly")

Ok, so I hate it when people ask their readers to vote on a part, but honestly, it makes me feel so happy and I love knowing that people take their time to read someone's work. AND THE STAR TURNS ORANGE!! OMG, RIGHT?!?!

Welp, if you comment answers to the questions, I promise I'll follow you and check out some of your books! Not joking, I will do that (but granted it make be a while due to my inactivity on Wattpad)

Love Ya!

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