Part 3

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The rest of the day was spent playing games and riding various rides. My excitement had faded into one buzzing blur, I couldn't stop thinking about what Jonah had said. After the conversation on the Ferris Wheel, we had both agreed to forget it and have fun, but I still felt awkward around him now. All awkwardness aside, I still had a lot of fun riding the other rides and playing games. Jonah invited me to eat at a pier-side restaurant and we played arcade games afterwards. After a few times beating Jonah at Just Dance 3 (he still says he let me...) we decided to go home. Jonah was tired and I offered to drive, but he insisted he could drive, even though it was raining. Against my better judgement I let him, the house was only a few miles away after all.
"Didja have fun?" Jonah asked. I smiled.
" Heck yeah I did! I freaking won a stuffed elephant! " Jonah chuckled and shook his head.
"Whatcha gonna call it?"
" Pierre. Since the boardwalk is a pier. My elephant can be a Pierre. Get it? "
"I get it." He said. He brought his eyes to the road and I saw a turn approaching. Suddenly, thunder crackled and I screamed. Jonah jumped and yanked on the wheel. The car careened to the side and I felt the back bumper crash into a tree which sent the car flipping. One, two, three times it rolled over before the driver's side smacked against an unsuspecting oak tree. My head flew forwards, and after a short and spectacular show of yellow fireworks and pain, everything went black.


I woke up dizzy and sore, laying in a hospital bed. I looked around to see I was alone. Where was Jonah? Was he okay? Was he here? As I started to panic a nurse walked into the room with a smile on her face.
"Hello, Taylor. How are you feeling?" She asked. "There's a few visitors here if you think you can manage."
" Hello, I'm sore, and yeah, I guess they can come in. "
"Well, you can call me at any time by pressing that button." She gestured to a small round object beside my bed. " I'll go get some ibuprofen. " When she left I wasn't surprised to see Daniel, Zayn, and Jason walk in.
"Hey guys." I said. Daniel rushed to me and gave me a friendly, totally platonic hug. Zayn gave me a high-five and Jason waved, being the least familiar with me.
"Where's Colton?" I asked, noticing the missing last healthy band member. Zayn shrugged.
"Probably with Caitlin back home. Nothing special. I heard they were gonna 'watch a movie'..." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
"Eww!" I screamed, disgusted by Zayn's crude implications . Daniel playfully shoved him out of the way.
"All innuendos aside," he said. "The nurse said you can come back today if you take it easy. You got a concussion." I was afraid to ask the question on my mind since I woke up. I shook my head and pressed the button for the nurse. The others left, promising to let me know if they saw anything with Colton, and the nurse rushed in.
"Everything good? I got your medicine."
I assured her everything was fine and asked her to disconnect me from the IV and other cables. I took the pill and my clothes to the bathroom, where I changed and swallowed the ibuprofen. I texted the boys saying I needed a ride and was waiting for them. They replied quickly saying they were on their way.
The next morning I was extremely sore and had a major headache. I looked at my phone, but saw no reply to the masses of texts and voicemails I had sent Jonah. My phone buzzed and I jumped and juggled it before it tumbled out of my hands and onto the floor.I sighed, flipping my blackish hair down as I grabbed my iPhone 7. I threw my head back in an arc as I say back up, watching the hair above me quickly fly mesmorizingly over my head.
I really was delusional.
I suddenly remembered the text message and scrambled to check my phone, but it was only Daniel.
He asked if I had heard the latest news on Jonah. My heart jumped and I tumbled out of bed into a dazed pile on the floor. Oowwwww. I thought. My feet raced downstairs and I looked at Daniel, who was sitting calmly on the couch.
"What news? Where is he, anyhow?!" I demanded. I could feel my lungs constricting. I was panicking.
" I thought you knew. " Daniel said, looking at me sadly and discombobulatedly. "Jonah is still at the hospital. They told us he had to be put on life support!" I stopped, shocked.
" What? " I said, my voice very quiet and anxiously. Daniel nodded and Zayn and Jason looked away awkwardly, confirming what Daniel told me. I stood up and marched upstairs. I went to my room and slammed the door. I calmly grabbed an emerald green shirt and a pair of black leggings and put them on. My tall brown Uggs slid onto my feet and I  put on minimal makeup, just mascara. A Makeup was always my sister's thing, anyway. I grabbed my bag and key and took one last look at the stuffed animal that now stood proudly at the front of my bed, even though a large tear ripped through its head.
"Bye, Pierre." I whispered and closed the door.
I marched downstairs and threw my keys at Daniel.
"Take me to Jonah!" I commanded . Daniel nodded sadly and drive me to the sanitary -smelling torture chamber.
Did I ever tell you I hated hospitals?
I rushed into the ICU and froze when I saw Jonah. He was deathly pale, and bright red scratches stood out like red paint against a white wall, if that even makes any sense. I guessed he had lost a lot of blood, because his almost platinum hair was more tan than he was. His wavy hair spread out around him like a happy and I sat beside him, holding his hand. A few hours la yet a doctor came in and told me to leave.
"No," I said, weakly. " I can't. "
My eyes were red from crying and I knew that I needed to go home but I couldn't leave him here alone. The doctor stood beside me.
"You do know what's going to happen, right?" He asked me as three nurses walked up to Jonah, obscuring my vision of him. Suddenly I understood. I felt weak in the knees . I couldn't talk, couldn't move, couldn't even cry.
"No..." I whispered quietly.
"I'm afraid so." The doctor replied. " we have to take Jonah off life support."

Omg! Thoughts? Too early?!
Truth be told, I don't like Jonah, but I don't want him to dieeeeeee.
Also, two of the words in this chapter were highlighted! What does that mean? It means the word has a definition!!!
Careened means tilted or swerved around. So in this case, the car swerved after hitting a tree.
How splendid!
Discombobulatedly means the act of being discombobulated, or confused. In this case, Daniel is confused that Taylor has not been properly informed!!!!!

Has you opinion on any the characters changed? I want to add a little more of the others, such as Jason, Zayn, and Daniel!

Did you know that the original notebooks that this comes in has three books? Two about Taylor, and one about a girl named Iris. I'm tryna copy them over ASAP so you can read them! let's just say I have a lot planned.....

Love Ya!

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