Part 4

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I watched in fear as one of the nurses, a brunette who looked similar to my sister, approached Jonah's bed. Her hand was on the plug and she took a deep breath before pulling.
A shudder rocked through Jonah's body and I turned away. Silent tears made my sight blurry, but my hearing was fine because I clearly heard a collective gasp from the nurses and doctor.
"Taylor? Why are you crying?" I heard from behind me. It was a weak voice, but it was one I recognized. I spun around to see Jonah looking at me.
"Jonah! You're not dead!" I said, covering my mouth with my hands in disbelief.
"I don't think I am, at least, I hope I'm not." He replied softly. " why would I be? "
"They pulled the plug!" I cried. "They took you off life support, but you were already waking up!"  Jonah looked at me in incredulity. He grabbed me and pulled me to his chest. I could hear sobs from him, and I looked up.
"Jonah? Aren't you happy you're still alive? What's wrong?" He looked at me from the bed.
" I almost lost you! I mean, I never actually had you, but I wouldn't ever had been able to!" He hugged me tighter. I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing came out. I knew I loved him, but I was...afraid? Jonah was the one person I couldn't go without.
"You'll never lose me," I assured him. " I love you and I want to be together, but we can't . You know that. " I obviously felt horrible but I couldn't be with him. I fought back the waterfall of emotion behind my forest green eyes. He looked at me, upset and hurt.
"Why not, Taylor? Why can't we be happy together? Why does it have to be so complicated if we love each other?" I inhaled sharply and turned away.
"I'm sorry." I whispered and left the room. I couldn't be with him without hurting.
Lying in bed I watched the ceiling. I couldn't stay there any longer and had left him there. I didn't have an answer, I wish I did, but I couldn't think of anything. Jonah came home later that day and I didn't have the heart to face him, all my emotions were haywire and I couldn't take the pressure of his questions.
"Taylor! Jonah's back!" Colton yelled up to my room. No reply came out of my mouth, I locked my door and ran to my bed again. I had no choice but to avoid him, nothing would get better and nothing would get worse. My door handle juggled as someone tried to open it. They stopped and the silence took over my thoughts. Dinner came and I was getting hungry. Pretend he's not there and it'll be fine. I thought to myself. With that I slowly walked downstairs. "So what's for dinner tonight?" I asked the boys who had decide to cook.
Jason looked up from discounted where some mutilated dough sat.
" Lasagna and garlic bread. "
"Yum!" I said and sat at the table. I sat beside Colton (ugh) and Daniel, who was the first to notice the tension between Jonah and me.
"So, uh, Taylor." He said carefully as he placed his glass of sweet tea back down on the table. " Jonah's back. "
Really Daniel? Out of all the subjects you could have possibly chosen, you picked the obvious.
"I was aware." I responded curtly .
Jonah took a deep breath and pushed his plate away.
"Well,  I'm going to go upstairs to rest, kinda tired. See ya, guys." He said, leaving the five of us to eat. Zayn looked at me.
"What?" I said, annoyed. Zayn and Jason rolled their eyes.
"You know what, Taylor? What's up with you and Jonah? Normally your be up with him. What happened?" I looked at my hands and felt four pairs of eyes stare at me. Ahh there question I couldn't answer. I stood up and rushed to my room ready to sleep, to maybe forget for a  couple hours. The boys didn't stop me, they knew better. I lay in bed, ready for sleep to come. But sleep didn't come that easily. I lay in bed and just stared at my ceiling before a knock came at my door.

Heya! So, um, I have a question. About my love life.

I like somebody. About three to four weeks ago they told me that they liked me, and I said I wasn't sure, I was still confused about whether or not I counted them as just a friend, or more. They said it was no biggie, but now I definitely like them. We became really good friends after his confession and I don't want to make it awkward.... I'm not sure if they still like me or not, and I really don't wanna be rejected or lose his friendship. I also don't want to be in a deep relationship, you know? Just wanna be, friends who like each other and do everything together but don't necessarily go on dates. Is this actually me liking him? I think about him all the time, and find excuses to hang out with him, but also try not to be too clingy. I also don't want my irl friends to find out. I mean, I've made it pretty obvious but I'm still super scared. Thoughts?

Sorry, that was probably confusing. But I can totally relate to Taylor here.

Got a question for me? Ask me ANYTHING and I will choose some to answer in a separate Q/A chapter. You can ask multiple questions (No more than three) NOTE: IF YOU ARE READING THIS AFTER DECEMBER 25, 2018, THEN YOU CAN STILL ASK ME THE QUESTIONS. I MIGHT NOT GIVE YOU A SEPARATE CHAPTER YET, BUT I WILL STILL ANSWER YOUR QUESTION.

You can ask anything. It can be something about the story, about my personal life, or just a question you want someone's opinion on.

Oh shoot.I just realized I didn't complete my homework yet. Lol, oh well. It's only 11:23 pm......ugh

See Ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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