I Am PuDdInG

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I actually slept that night. It was easy. I didn't cry myself to sleep, which was a first. I woke up with that same jittery feeling inside. I was scared to talk to my brother, I didn't want to see him. I was afraid that he would be judge-y, and refuse to even talk to me.
He, of all people, have the worst mood swings ever, so, anything could happen. I covered up the 007 tattooed on my wrist. I didn't know when I was going to tell Will, but I knew I definitely would. But I need to tell Mike and Nancy before, though. Honestly, I was even beginning to doubt to even get up....

I did, though. I got up, and got in a gray shirt, jeans, and a strange dusty colored hoodie. I quickly brushed my hair and teeth. I was .... In a word? NERVOUS AS ALL HECK.So, I went outside of my room, and walked over to the breakfast table, and grabbed a piece of toast, in a napkin, and got my backpack on, without saying a word to my family. I went outside, and I waited for my brother. He was the only way I was getting to school, period. That is until mom bought a new one, next SATURDAY!! So, again, I waited nervously, awaiting all the horrible outcomes that would come from this dreaded day...
Finally, Mike came outside, and silently waved. I walked over to his bike,,and explained everything to him, and he scoffed, and I got on. "So." He said as to pass the time," I may have you guys a ship name by the end of the week, depending on how things are...." Said Mike. "You ARE the strangest person I have ever met." I said, blushing in a deep red.
Again we waited for his friends, and my.... Yeah, I didn't really know what to call him...
But still, he biked over to me and make Mike, and waved to me, and he started his conversation.

After the next few days, it was like normal. Like nothing happened. I was beginning to doubt the whole thing. I stopped talking to everyone. I was pretty sure that he had forgot... Suddenly, Troy walked up to me and said" no one loves you. You are a mistake, a missfit,,and an outcast. Everyone would be happy if you would just die." I had been reduced to tears. I went to the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls. I cried
For a long time, and missed most of 4 period, but when the teacher saw I was crying, she left me alone.

After school: Friday.
Today I wanted to go home, and stay in my room, and just cry. For hours and hours.
So, I jumped up on Mike's bike, and we rode home. I went to my room and cried. I sat down, and suddenly heard a knock at my door. I stifled a "come in." And wiped my tears
So whoever it was didn't think I had been crying. And Will walked in. As soon as he saw I had been crying, he sat down, and I put way head on his shoulder and cried more. When I was done I flushed, and he asked me what happened. I told him what Troy had said to me. He looked shocked. I managed to whisper out" he's right." He said"that's not true. Mike loves you,Nancy loves you, StEvE loves you!"And," I love you." And he kissed me. Right then, Dustin walked in. "Oh. My. Gosh. Well, Will, we know what you've been doing for the past few weeks... When you're finished up, wanna play d and d?" "go away, Dustin", I giggled.

Ok, guys, do you like it? I tried really hard on this one, so if you had any advice, PLEASE comment down below! Also, I support gay, trans, bi and pan ppl, FYI. Even tho I'm a Christian. ELEVEN is coming in the next chapter, so get ready for some fangirling!😝😘🤗☺️😌😄😹😻😼😽😺🙀😸😿🌨🌨🌨🌨🌨🍲🍜❤️💛💚💙💜

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