Alec's Life Before

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Alec's POV:

I was always a good child even if I did get annoyed quite quickly at things. But I was an only child and my parents loved me and I lover them with all my heart.

We did everything together. We would build dens in the woods, climb trees, have camp fires and sleep under the stars.

I couldn't think of anything better, but i also couldn't think of anything that would go wrong. We were so happy and cheery what could ruin that.

But I was wrong the world just seemed to have a bad day and it broke the happiest family in the world to pieces.

The day my life was broken started when I was 6. I got into an argument with my parents after I found a letter they had been keeping from me. It was from my doctor saying I had been diagnosed with anger issues.

So I started yelling at them and they screamed back, until my skin suddenly turned electric blue, my eyes a bright crimson red, three claws shredded through my skin on my right arm, my hair turned black with a royal blue streak and fangs and two grey bushy ears appeared.

My parents screamed for their life and stuttered "you are not our child. are a a freak" they cried. Tears streaming down my face I ran out the back door and through the woods never to see that house again.

2 years later

My eyes suddenly jerked open like they normally do. "another fucking nightmare again". As I sat up I looked around the place where I've been living for the past years. It was an old abandoned factory in the middle of the dark forest. It was very cold, I had no food or water, no clothes but I had shelter.

2 years later

These people found me and they tortured me. Then they would take me back to the abandoned factory.

Another 2 years later

Tortured Abandoned Factory

Tortured Abandoned Factory

Tortured Abandoned Factory

Another 2 years later again

It never stopped. The pain the suffering. The way my pail skin was stained with my own blood. The way they would torture me then return my body back to the abandoned factory where I would wake up the next day, in agony. But everything changed when one night whilst in the middle of a nightmare I started to sleep walk, then run and then sprinting.

Where my body was taking me I had no idea. But for better or for worse I would soon find out...

Your Savour Is Here!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora