Ch2- HYDRA's Child

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Bucky's POV:

I had to tell Steve, he is my boyfriend and best friend after all. But just the thought of it brought so much agony back , and just knowing what this boy has had to go through broke me.

"H..HYDRA" that all I could stutter out. "what" Steve asked, clearly very confused. "HYDRA caused this" I stated before I broke down into tears.

All the pain they had caused me almost killed me, but to do it to a child was so much worse.

Just the thought of someone torturing a child made anger hit me like a tornado.

"Bucky. Bucky?" The sudden realisation of reality struck me like lightning. Jerking my head to the side, looking into the eyes of where the noise came from, I snapped out of my thoughts.

Steve's POV:

I had never seen Bucky like this.

The sadness and anger that reflected in his blue eyes was enough to break my heart, and I didn't even know what was wrong.

"Bucky. Bucky?" Suddenly his head jerked to face me. Tears threatening to spill over his already red puffy eyes, I pulled him close and kissed his head.

After a couple of minutes I broke the silence. "Bucky I love you. But your going to have to tell me at some point."

Once he had wiped away the tears Buck began to speak. "From the examinations of the boy they found that he was born a girl, so he is transgender. They also found that the robotic contraption was actually keeping him alive because of all the damage that was done to his chest."

Bucky paused for a while. He looked unsure of wether to carry on or not. So I put my hand on his shoulder to reassure him.

"But the worst thing is, well to me it is, is that HYDRA did all this!" Bucky hesitantly said.

"How do you know?" I asked carefully. Clearly I had forgotten he had mentioned it earlier.

Bucky then stood up and walked to the bed where the frail, vulnerable body lay, and gently lifted up the cover to reveal the young boys metal arm.

In horror I stood up. What I saw was a red 5 pointed star just like Bucky's. Slowly stepping to Bucky's side, I realised why he was so effected by this.

I also knew he would do anything to help this boy. Anything at all to help him get better and be happy.

Another reason I loved this man! Bucky would do anything to stop HYDRA and to help the people effected but them.

Because he knows what its like to be tortured and controlled. But probably what shocked him the most was that this boy was just a child.

He only seemed about 6-7ish. Too young to go through and see things like this.

Leaving Bucky next to the bed I went to get us both a coffee. We needed it. And sure did hell Bucky deserved it.

Once I had got the coffee's I went back to the hospital wing. When I arrived at the specific room what I saw was not what I was expecting.

The sight was horrifying...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2019 ⏰

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