.Chapter Twelve.

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**Does contain violence so please beware**

Dr. Flynn stood in front of Elliot. He had put a rope around his arms and legs and was planning on making Elliot see the bullet before it went into his head. He had completely broke, and there was no going back. He was either going to kill Elliot and get away with it, or he was going to kill Elliot and not get away with it. Either way, he planned on freeing his daughter from the lowlife she considered her husband.

"Dr. Flynn, please," Elliot begged as he stared at the gun in his father-in-law's hand. He was crying, something that he rarely does. That's how scared for his life Elliot was.

"You are so fucking stupid, Elliot. First, you marry my daughter without a prenup. Then you knock her up. You make her fend for herself while your demon spawn makes her sick. Then I catch you out with your girlfriend? Maybe I should've grabbed your 'partner' while we were there. Then she could've watched me kill you." Dr. Flynn huffed. He walked over and smack Elliot with the handle of the gun, before going back to pacing.

"I want to see my daughter grow up! Please! I'm sorry! I will go from work to home every night. I'll take care of Bella. I'll love her and the baby! Please!" Elliot cried.

Dr. Flynn laughed and shook his head.

"You are a worthless man, Elliot. Your family lacks money and anything worth anything. Now, should we do this now or should I get William to go pick up your girlfriend and we can kill her too?"


Olivia picked up Bella, and they started to search the city. Bella kept calling her father, but he never picked up. She called her mother, and as she frantically said her father had fallen off the edge, her mother started to call her husband frantically.

"What if he kills him?" Olivia whispered as she drove towards the river. They were going to cross the bridge and try a few sights where Olivia has gone to when they were crime scenes.

"He won't kill him, Olivia. At least I don't think so." Bella frowned, as she ran her hands over her stomach. She couldn't help but think about how her daughter may never know her real father. Bella had fallen in love with him and was still in love with him, and she wanted her daughter to know how much Elliot loves her.

"This is all my fault. Elliot and I should have never started to date. God, I'm so sorry, Bella!" Olivia cried, as she slowed down and waited in traffic to cross the bridge.

"Don't be. Please. If you continue to cry I will too and then we will never find Elliot!"

Olivia wiped at her tears before looking out the window. She squinted a bit as she saw a black town car on the bank of the river.

"Bella, is that your father's car?" Olivia breathed, and Bella quickly looked around Olivia and gasped.

"Yeah! Oh my god, he's going to try and kill him!"


Elliot was breathing heavily as Dr. Flynn cleaned his gun. Elliot watched, his eyes wide. He was regretting everything he has ever done. He was praying that he would get saved by a passing cop or something, but he was for sure that cheating on his wife was going to not get him saved but he'd be going to hell. He was thinking about church when he was younger, and how he had heard stories about committing a sin, and if you did, you'd never see God when you died. Elliot had committed adultery and lust and probably so many more but he couldn't think of them when all he could see was what his daughter may look like in the future.

"William, bring me my gloves." Dr. Flynn spoke, and Elliot inhaled sharply.

"Yes, sir," William spoke before he quickly got into the car. Elliot eyed the bridge and was surprised that no one noticed what was happening down here.

"Any last words, bastard?" Dr. Flynn questioned when he handed his gun to William and put his gloves on, before taking it back.

"She'll never forgive you." Elliot cried as he blinked several times to clear his vision.

"She will, Elliot. I'm her beloved father, and I can do no harm." He grinned, before getting ready to aim the gun at Elliot.

But then Elliot heard the sound of a car engine. He saw Olivia's small blue car driving towards them.

"Well, she's come to join you." Dr. Flynn smiled, as he heard the door open and slam shut.

"Dr. Flynn put the weapon down!" Olivia yelled as she held her weapon in her shaky hands. She had told Bella to stay in the car before she got out because Elliot would never forgive her if Bella went into preterm labor from the stress that seeing her husband shot could cause.

"Come, join us, Ms. Benson." Dr. Flynn spoke, as he continued to aim the weapon at Elliot.

"Put it down!" She screamed, which sent Bella out of the car.

"Daddy stop this!" She yelled as she marched over to her father.

"Bella, go get in the car. William get her in the car." Dr. Flynn sighed.

"I will make sure you rot in prison for hurting him!" Bella screamed, as she walked up and stood in front of her father. She was going to try and get him to not shoot but using her body as a shield was not her wisest choice.

"Bella, just go and be happy," Elliot whispered.

"No!" She cried. Olivia started to walk slowly towards them, but when she stepped on a twig, Dr. Flynn turned around and shot her.

Olivia fell to the ground as she breathed heavily.

"Liv!" Elliot cried as he tried to get up before Dr. Flynn was pushing his daughter out of the way and pressing the gun against Elliot's head.

"Don't you dare speak." He growled.

Olivia continued to lose blood from her shoulder and she groaned deeply. She reached for her weapon, and she just aimed at Dr. Flynn. He should die for what he was doing. Or least hurt just as fucking bad as she was.

"Dr. Flynn!" Olivia yelled weakly. The man turned around and sighed before walking closer to her. 

She put her finger to the trigger and took her shot.

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