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Yue slowly opens her eyes and the sunlight that penetrates the window forces her to close them immediately. She hears someone move a few steps and the sound of a curtain closing.

"Hey ... How do you feel?" asks a voice.

"Stunned" she answers.

She opens her eyes and realizes she is lying on the bed of her hotel room. Dylan is sitting in a chair next to her.

She starts to get up, but he blocks her.

"Careful, make it easy" he says sternly.

He helps her sit down and puts the pillow behind her back.

"What happened, why are we here?"

"Because you're a big head, you wanted to work even if you had a high fever and fainted when we were shooting a scene".

"Oh ... I'm sorry" Yue sighs.

"You have to take better care of yourself. You do not know the word Limit" snorts Dylan.

"I did not want to block everyone for a little fever, it would not be professional".

"How stubborn you are".

The girl glares at him.


A sudden sneeze, followed by four others.

Dylan looks at her worriedly, then gets up and pours her the hot tea she had pre-cooked before she wakes up.

"Here, drink" he says, handing her the cup.

Then stretch out a hand and pose it on the forehead of Yue, shaking the fringe.

"You're still hot" she sighs.

"You should not be here ... You'll get sick too" she complains.

"Listen, hear who cares about me" grins Dylan.

"Idiot, if you get sick, I can not do much ... Unfortunately, you compare in almost all of my scenes".

"Sure sure..."

"Come on, go away".

"I will not leave you alone in this state ... Look what shining eyes you have ... And you're weak".

"Who cares about who now?"

Yue laughs at seeing him blush.

"Shut up and think about being well covered" he blurts out, arranging the sheet.

"Do you feel like eating, are you cold, do you need anything?" he asks her.

"Who are you? What have you done with Dylan Wang who does nothing but mistreat me ?!" exclaims Yue, surprised by so much concern.

"Since when have I mistreated you?! Mine are all demonstrations of affection!"

"The other day you pushed me so hard that I fell!"

"It's not my fault if you have problems with balance!"

Yue snorts and sneezes another sneeze.

"Now try to sleep a little longer, okay?" the boy whispers with a sweet smile.

Yue remains a second enchanted to observe it. Something in her stomach makes a somersault.

"You're sick?" he asks her, worried by her serious expression.

"No, no, but now you go, otherwise I can not sleep" she replies.

"I told you I'm staying here".

"Didi ..."

"No stories".

"Let's wait ten minutes out here and then come in? Really, I can not fall asleep with you here staring at me."

"Alright then..."

Dylan gets up and goes out of the room.

Yue lies down and closes her eyes. After not even five minutes, the door opens and from the passage she senses that it is Didi again.

She pretends to sleep.

He feels close to her and touches her forehead again. The hand comes down to caress her cheek and brings her hair behind her ear. Yue's heart beats wildly but keeps her eyes closed.

"Get well soon, Yueyue ... I can not see you like that" Dylan whispers softly.

Yue hears his breath.

She opens her eyes slowly and immediately finds those of him a few centimeters from her face. For a moment that seems to last for centuries, they stand still, looking at each other, without saying a word. Yue instinctively extends a hand and ruffles his soft hair.

Dylan approaches a little more, attracted by a powerful magnetic force.

Their lips touch just ...

"Hey Yueyue! How do you feel ?!"

Jiaqi breaks into the room and immediately realizes she has interrupted something ...

"Uh ... Sorry ..."

The two, who as soon as the friend has entered have turned away from each other, blush and avoid looking at each other.

"Quiet, Jiaqi! Dylan was checking if I still had a fever" explains Yue.

"Yes, but now I leave it to you to take care of this silly girl ... I have to go" he adds, stammering a bit.

"All right, quiet" answers Jiaqi.

Dylan takes his jacket and starts to leave.

Yue watches him. She would like to stop him and tell him ... She does not even know what she would like to say to him ...

"Didi" she whispers.

The boy stops and turns to look at her.

And she's so beautiful ... Even with a red nose for a cold, a pale face and ruffled hair ...


"Thank you".

They smile and after a few seconds Dylan leaves.

Just outside the door, he makes a long sigh and a small laugh escapes his lips.

Hello everyone! I am Italian and my English is no good-ah, sorry! lol 

I tried to translate the stories I have already published in Italian into English. I really hope you like them! Leave a comment if you like! 

You can find me on Twitter 

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