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The next day, Dylan wakes up with a smile on his face. The night before, after taking her back to her hotel room, Yue greeted him with another kiss. Dylan dreamed of her all night ...
Never ceasing to smile, he prepares to reach her on the set.

I look in the mirror and there they are, my dear bags under my eyes. Tonight I couldn't sleep for a second.
He loves me. Dylan said he loves me ...
And he looked at me in a very special way ...
Honestly, I've never felt so happy.
But ... But ...

Here she is! I run towards her, who is reviewing the script sitting on the bed of Daoming Sì's room. Today we don't have any scene to shoot, but we have to try.
"Good morning, my Moon" I whisper in her ear.
I sit next to her and watch her blush.
"Good morning" she replies, without taking her eyes off the script.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Mmh ... Not much".
"I don't know".
"I slept like a baby"
"I am pleased to".
Wait up. What is all this coldness? Where are her sweet eyes? Her smile? Her kisses?
I take the script from her hands and force her to look at me.
"Yue ... What's up?"
She makes a long sigh and a few tears begin to rub her cheeks.
"Ok, let's get out of here" I take her by the hand and take her to the courtyard.
"Why are you crying?" I ask her, worried.
Yesterday evening she seemed so happy ...
"You love me" she says between sobs.
"Yes, I love you, I love you so much, Yue ... Is not it so for you too?"
She lowered her head and beckons me to no.
And the world collapses on me.
"But yesterday ... Yesterday you kissed me! You give importance to kisses, you told me ... What ... What was yesterday for you?"
She keeps on not looking at me. She doesn't s say anything.
I take a breath and then I stroke her face.
"Okay, then, if it was nothing for you, I would stop harassing you, but I have to tell you everything first. I must say I never thought I could fall in love with my best friend ... But you left me no choice. .. You took my heart, my mind, my body, everything ... You, with your always kind ways, your endless laughter, your innocence, your clumsiness ... You make me feel good. You make me a better person. I need you, do you understand? I want to be with you, I want to sleep with you every night and touch your skin, I want you to wake me up with your kisses in the morning. I want make you angry, I want let you beat me, and then make you forgive me and see  your magic smile that illuminates everything ... I want to know your family, make me hate from your father and play video games with your brother.
I want so many things, Yue! Just thinking of being able to have them, I start to smile and shake like a fool ...
But ... But if you don't feel anything for me, it's ok. In fact, it's not ok at all, but I'll try to accept it. Do you want me to remain your usual stupid friend? All right. Here I am. But please, don't move away from me ".
Here, I said it.
I sit on the ground, among the stones of the courtyard, with breathless breath.
Suddenly I feel like a fool.
I ruined all? Seriously? I can not lose her ... I can't ... I can't ...
"Didi, look at me".
I move my hand away from my eyes. Yue is kneeling in front of me, looking at me with a sweet smile and she's stroking my hair.
"Do you know what is the price of all these things you want?" she ask me.
"I don't care" I answer.
"But it must be important to you!
Being with me means having to keep everything hidden to avoid criticism and malice, it means to go against our agencies, it means to put your career at risk, it means to live a love at a distance. It means having to bear a clumsy, insignificant, silly girl. Dylan ... I've been thinking about it all night ... I can't let you sacrifice so much for someone like me ... You ... You should find a girl who deserves your love and care and above all who is free from ties and complications".
"Nice talk, Shen Yue, but you're avoiding telling me what you're feeling for me" I tell her, seriously.
"Didi, have you heard at least a word of what I told you?"
"What do you feel for me, Shen Yue?"
This time it is she who covers her eyes.
I sigh and move her  hand.
Whether it's a negative or positive answer, I need to know.
We look at each other in silence. I can hear the noise of her thoughts right now, while her lips tremble just to hold back the tears.
"What do you feel?" I ask her once again.
"Do you really want to know?"
"I need it".
"Well then!" she exclaims, angry.
She takes a breath and then gets up and turns her back.
"You know Didi, you are a constant source of concern for me. You get angry at stupid things, you're not afraid of anything, you throw yourself into things without thinking, you like to have fun, you make absurd jokes, sometimes you raise your elbow a little, you can't count to ten before talking, you boast too much, you don't eat healthily, you don't sleep enough ... In my life, the only person I ever had to look after is my little brother ... And then you arrived. My eyes started to keep an eye on you, because they soon realized that you're a disaster, a child in a body that's too big. "
"Ayooo Shen Yue! No need to be SO sincere!" I mumble, annoyed.
"Shut up for a good time and listen to me!"
"Ok, ok!"
"What I'm trying to tell you is that thanks to you I've learned what it means to take care of someone ... I was there when you missed your mom and you were crying, when you hit your fist too hard against the wall and I had to medicate the wound every night, when you got drunk and you were not even able to slip off your shirt, when you made that mess with the popcorn in your room ... It's stronger than me: I must always be there.
And the funny thing is that I also learned what it means to feel the need to have someone take care of me. Because if you're a child on one side, on the other you're a big, big, big man.
You're the one who brings me the medicine as soon as I mention that something hurts me, the one that pampers me to make me fall asleep, the one that encourages me when I let myself be thrown to the ground ... It's stronger than you: you must always be there.
What do I feel for you? Don't you see it, Wang He Di? Don't you see how I look at you? How I'm always around you? I love you. I love you so much... "

I turn to him and see how much he is trying to hold back his tears.
He jumps up and with two long steps reaches me and holds me tight in his arms.
"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you" he whispers, squeezing me more and more.
I feel his heart beating wildly, just like mine.
I would like to kiss him. God, how I would like to kiss him!
I look up to meet his eyes. He smiles at me and caresses my cheek.
"Don't believe that after all you've told me I'll let you go away from me" he tells me.
"Didi, think about it ..."
"Do you think I haven't already done that? I've been thinking about it for months! I'm ready to fight, Yue. Please fight with me".
I can't resist anymore. I stand on tiptoe and kiss him.
Can you die of happiness?
Suddenly he moves away gently, then he takes off his blue hoodie and helps me to wear it.
"It's starting to get cold" he explains, gently.
I laugh.
"Who cares about who?" I grin, then return to savor his soft lips.


Author's corner
And here we are ❤️ My girls, we came to the last chapter 😭
I really don't know how to thank you for all the affection I received here and on Twitter ...
I know I've already said it, but this Fandom is special, really 💛💜
Thank you very much for reading this fanfiction, for the crazy and tender comments, for the encouragement ... You have stimulated me to write and write and write after a while that I didn't take a pen in my hand ❤️ I never expected so many views ... See my fanfiction amidst the wonderful stories that so many of you publish here makes me a lot happy!
I close this story here, ready to put on paper the new idea that is wandering around my head these days ... Obviously dedicated to our DiYue 💛💜
See you soon, promised!
I love you ❤️

Who cares about who?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ