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After Dylan and Yue have reconciled, the atmosphere at home has definitely changed: their bickering and jokes have begun again, making their friends happy ... Those two, together, make a lot of light.
"It's the last night of vacation ... Let's play a game together" exclaims Jaqi.
"Yes! I propose Truth or dare!" answers Sun Qian.
"What?" asks Yue, curious.
"Truth or dare! Each of us must turn the bottle that I will put here in the center and the person to whom it will rotate, will have to decide whether to answer a question or execute an order.Who refuses will receive a penance" explains Jaqi.
Everyone accepts with enthusiasm to participate.
They sit on the carpet in the living room, in a circle.
The game starts ... The most absurd questions and the most embarrassing dares are made ... The room is full of laughs.
Now it's Sun Qian's turn. The bottle rotates towards Hu Yitian.
"Truth or Dare?"
"Dare" answers Yitian.
"OK ... So ... Give a passionate kiss to Yue" the girl grins.
He smiles and turns to Yue, who blushes.
He takes her face in his hands and kisses her. Yue stiffens for a few seconds, then responds with the same intensity.
"Damn! If they go on like this we'll have to leave the room free tonight!" Leong laughs.
Dylan feels he may lose control at any moment. See Yue like this ... How much he would pay to be in that idiot's place! Being able to catch her lips, touch her body and cause shivers down her back with his touch ...
"Hey you two! That's enough!" exclaimed Caesar.
Yue suddenly comes off and lowers her head in embarrassment, while Yitian glances satisfiedly at Dylan.
"It's my turn!" Darren smiles.
The bottle aims at Yue.
"Truth or Dare?"
"Do you think Hu Yitian is in love with you?" asks Darren.
"I ... Yes, I think so" Yue answers.
A little laugh escapes to Dylan.
"What was that verse?" asks Yitian, annoyed.
"No, come on, explain. Do you think I'm not in love with her?"
Everyone stiffens.
"Maybe you love her, but not enough" Dylan finally answers.
"Go on..."
"Well, you see ... If you loved her enough, you'd know she can not eat anything spicy at all ... You'd know her favorite color is yellow and she hates green, so you'd avoided giving her that awful sweatshirt. You'd know
that she hates having hands on her face when someone kisses her ... But she loves to be touched behind her neck. You'd know why the little radio that broke off last night is so important to her. You'd know that when she smiles, if those two headlights in her eyes doesn't turn on, it means that she isn't really happy ... And recently I didn't see a little light ... You'd know a lot of other things that I really believe you don't know at all ".
"And you instead would be the one who loves her enough? Maybe I don't know all the things that you know, but I had the courage to don't care about anything and anyone and to ask her to stay with me. As far as I'm concerned, you're just the coward who hides behind the story of friendship" answers Yitian, and then get up and head for the boy's room ...
Yue follows him.
"Yitian?" she whispers when she reaches him.
"Are you angry?"
"With that idiot? Yes"
"Didi didn't want to offend you ... It's just that he cares about me and he worries ..."
"Are you justifying him? Seriously, Yue? He made me look stupid in front of the others and you justify him? "
"He didn't want to..."
"He's a stupid, full of himself! I don't know how you can be friend with a man like that!"
Yue stands in front of him with a serious look.
"I already told you once: I don't allow you to speak badly of him in front of me".
Yitian remains silent. It's rare to see angry Yue ...
He shakes his head and turns his back.
She decides to leave the room, annoyed. She goes back in the living room, where only Dylan remained.
"Where are the others?" she asks.
"At the beach".
"And what do you do here alone?"
"I wanted to study the script a little bit . Shen Yue ... I'm sorry about what I said"
"You went down heavy with Yitian".
"I know and I shouldn't ... I'm sorry. Did you fight?"
"No, no. And anyway, you just said what you think".
She sits next to him on the couch and peeks at the script.
"What scene are you reviewing?"
"The one in the restaurant in London ... The last appointment between Sì and Shancai. Angie wrote me notes everywhere... She says it's an important moment and I have to give it the right intensity. She also wants me to cry "answers Dylan with a grimace.
"And what's that face?" laughs Yue.
"As much as I try, I can't do it as I would like. I can't cry like that, on command".
"But you already cried in a scene and you were very good!"
"Yes, after six cans of beer".
"Well ... Let me help you, I'm the queen of tears!"
"Because you are a crybaby!"
"Idiot! Anyway ... You just have to identify yourself more with poor Daoming Sì".
"And how?"
Yue takes his hands and looks him straight in the eye.
"Are you trying to hypnotize me?" he grins.
The girl gives him a small fist on the arm.
"Do you want to shut up and listen to me or not?!"
"Okay, ok, there's no need to be so violent!"
"Listen. Imagine: you're in love with this girl... madly in love. You look at her and you're sure she's the right one... Your life would make no sense without her. You have seen her in all her facets, yet she never ceases to amaze you... You have struggled to be together, you have dealt with everything, but it is not enough. The most important thing for you is her happiness ... And you realize that you can't make her happy, because you can't really protect her from what your mother could do to her. You spent the best day of your life in London ... A day that will never happen again. The future you imagined with her won't come... In fact, she will pass that future with another one, who will hold her hand, kiss her, hold her ... He will marry her and have children ... While you ... You will be just a memory. Maybe you ... "
Yue stops when she realizes that some tears line Dylan's cheeks. He covers his face, feeling embarrassed.
"It's ok, let tears get off" she says, stroking his face gently.
Dylan looks her in the eye and sees that now she is crying too.
"And why are you crying?" he asks, confused.
"I don't know ... It's strange to see you like this ... I'm really a crybaby" she replies.
Dylan wipes her tears and then hugs her tightly.
Everything she said hit him in the stomach, as if those words were about him and not Daoming Sì.
He lets her go and stops a few inches from her enchanted face.
"Stop it" she whispers, blushing.
"To do what?"
"To look at me like that".
"As well as?"
"As if you wanted to kiss me".
Dylan smiles.
"If I did it would bother you?" he asks.
"Of course! What a question!"
"And why?"
"Because I have a boyfriend, Didi. And because I value kisses... You should do the same. You can't kiss the first person in front of you".
"You speak as if you were a stranger to me".
"I'm not a stranger, but I'm still a friend. Do you kiss all your friends?" Yue replies, annoyed.
Dylan's eyes widen: is jealousy what he hears in her voice? He decides to play a little.
"Well, yes" he replies with a sneer.
Yue makes a face so funny that Dylan can't hold back the laughter. This aspect of Yue intrigues him, he had not yet known it.
"What's up, Shen Yue?! My other friends don't complain when I kiss them ... Indeed!"
"How full of you, you are! How distant is that lost puppy who had no idea how to kiss a girl!"
Dylan blushes.
"Are you going to tease me for this for the rest of my life? " he mutters.


One evening, Angie asks to speak alone with Yue.
"Listen, Yueyue... Soon we'll have to shoot a few scenes where Shancai and Ah Sì are going to kiss. I talked with Dylan and he seemed pretty tense."
"Why?" asks the girl, confused.
"Because you will be his first kiss ever".
"WHAT ?"
"SHHHHH! I was surprised, too! I mean, such a beautiful boy who has never been kissed...
So I'm asking you to help him".
Yue nods and decides to go immediately to him.
She knocks at the door of his dressing room.
"Angie told you everything?" he asks her timidly.
"Yes. And I'm here to turn you into the best kisser of China!"
"Ahioo! Shen Yue! You're quite determined!"
The two are positioned in the middle of the dressing room.
Yue senses Dylan's tension and makes her tenderness.
"Relax, Didi ... It's me" she smiles sweetly.
He nods.
"So ... First of all you have to approach slowly until you reach a few centimeters from my face ... While you do it, look me in the eye, or my lips. Tilt your head slightly ... Just before touching my mouth, close your eyes " she explains.
"And then?"
"And then it comes all by itself ... There will be scenes that will require tenderness, while others a bit 'of passion ... Others anger. For now we start with tenderness, ok? Come on, let's start".
Dylan nods, but stays still.
Yue decides to help him. She takes his face between her small hands and slowly pulls it towards her. Dylan can feel her breath caressing his face ...
"You have the biggest eyes I've ever seen" he whispers, surprised.
A little laugh escapes to Yue.
She closes her eyes and Dylan is fascinated by the length of her eyelashes.
The girl pulls him a little longer and finally their lips come to touch.
Dylan feels a strong shock crossing his whole body. Yue has really soft lips ... And they taste good ... Vanilla, he think. Instinctively he puts his hands on her hips and brings her closer to him. His tongue asks her permission to enter and ...
"Don't run" murmurs Yue, who pulls him away with a flip against his chest.
"Sorry" he answers, breathing hard.
"See, it's not that difficult, is it? But ... Ehm ... The tongue has to stay in its place. In this kind of drama, we limit ourselves to simple mouth-to-mouth contact. When Angie will ask us to kiss more intensely, we will play a little ... Like this... "
Yue stands on tiptoe and kisses him. This time slowly, but with more energy. She focuses on the upper lip of the boy, who blushes overbearingly. When she gets away from him, Dylan looks at her with wide eyes.
"Wow!" he exclaims.
Yue looks down, a little embarrassed.
"I can ... Um ... Can I try it?" he asks, awkward.
She nods.
Dylan kisses her and tries to imitate what Yue did. He feels a shiver down his spine. Again, he grabs her hips and draws her to him. With one hand he strokes her hair. Yue clings to Dylan's sweater.
When they split up, Dylan remains displaced by the smile she gives him.
"She's really beautiful" he thinks to himself.
"I think I have accomplished my mission. Now go and bring your kisses to the world" she tells him.
"We have already finished? Don't you think I have to do some other proof?"
"Don't take advantage of it, Wang He Di. You've learned very well ... You're a good student."
"Thank you, teacher".
"Now I have to go... Goodnight, Didi".
"Shen Yue!"
Yue turns around and Dylan kisses her again, leaving her in awe.
"Goodnight, Yueyue" he smiles at her.


"Anyway you shouldn't laugh, you know ... In the end the student has passed the teacher" says Dylan, winking at her.
"Yes, in your dreams" Yue replies.
"Let's ask to my friend, ok?"
"How did you call me?"
"IDIOT! I. D. I. O. T".
"Little monster!"
Dylan pushes her and starts to tickle her, making her laugh like crazy.
He loves her laugh ... Her face as a child that lights up like the moon.
Suddenly, a cough makes them turn  towards the living room door: Hu Yitian watches them, serious.
"Can we talk?" he asks, turning to Yue.
She nods and gets up to follow him to the bedroom.

Author's corner
Hello everyone! How are you? How did you spend the holidays?
I would say that after seeing our little babies sing together on stage, I'm really happy 💛💜
I hope you enjoy this new chapter ❤️ Tell me what you think 💜💛 I send you a big hug, thanks for everything 😘 see you soon!

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