Hichigo 1

74 4 0

Pairings : Kurosaki Ichigo x Hollow Ichigo

" Who are you? " Ichigo asked the man in front of him. He gripped his zangetsu tightly.

The man laughed, " Do you really want to know? "

" Stop messing around! " Ichigo yelled as he ran up towards his enemy. Zangetsu was being lifted up as if it was ready to cut someone into pieces. " Getsuga tensho! "

His attack was easily blocked by the man with some dark colour around his eyes.

" I'm Muramasa, a zanpakuto, " The man said with a large-evil smirk on his face.

" A zanpakuto? " Ichigo asked, clearly shocked.

" Yes. "

" Then, where's your master? " He asked, half-yelled.

" I killed him. " Again, Muramasa answered the orange haired guy's question with a smirk.

" That's impossible! "

" It's not, Kurosaki, " Muramasa said, then he opened his hand. His palm faced Ichigo.

The substitute Shinigami saw everything around him started to to spin. A wave of dizziness washed over him. He was about to fell on his knees but he used his zanpakuto to keep him up. Unfortunately, Muramasa's power was stronger. He was able to make Ichigo fell down. Ichigo let out a low groan.

Then, everything around him stopped. He sucked a heavy breath.

" Ichi. "

That voice.

" Shiro, " Ichigo whispered to reply his inner hollow.

" Let me out! "

" I'm sorry, Shiro, I can't let him harm you. "

" But- " Shirosaki didn't get to finish his sentence. Ichigo's scream in agony cut him off. He felt himself getting pulled out slowly yet painfully. " Ichi! "

" Shi-Shiro! " Ichigo tried to reach him. His scream soon died down as he felt Muramasa's hand was out of his chest. He closed his eyes. He felt weak and light-headed, and there's something missing inside him.

" Ichigo. "

The orange haired Shinigame opened his eyes. He pushed himself up slowly. Both of his eyes widened in shock as he saw his inner hollow's form. " Shiro?! "

" Yo, " Shirosaki smirked.

Ichigo couldn't let out any word. His inner hollow was clearly out of him. He was there, standing beside Muramasa. He was in his shikai form. White Zangetsu on his back, wrapped in black bandage. " How could you? " He asked Muramasa.

" It's my job to free zanpakutos from their Shinigami. Zanpakutos have their own wants and decisions, but they can't do anything because they're under Shinigami's control, " Muramasa explained.

Ichigo was speechless. He was too shocked. He barely felt his body. Before he could realize anything, he felt a white-large sword pierced into his stomach. He coughed up some blood before the sword was being pulled away. And everything went black.


The substitute Shinigami opened his eyes. He just realized that he was laying on a cold ground. Everything around him was dark. Ichigo sat up slowly. There was an opened wound on his stomach.

" You're awake eh? "

Ichigo looked up. " Shiro? "

His inner hollow sat in front of him, in his bankai form.

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