Promptis 1

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Pairings : Prompto Argentum x Noctis Lucis Caelum

" So, we're going to stop by Tenebrae? " Prompto asked. He looked at the prince who sat alone on a seat in the train.

Noctis didn't talk since the time they stepped in to the train. He sat far from the other. He usually sat beside Prompto while Gladio and Ignis sat across him. His left hand shut tightly, as if he wants to punch someone. But he wasn't. There was something inside his fist. It was the ring.

Prompto couldn't take his attention off of Noctis. The prince looked troubled. Broken, sad, guilty, Prompto couldn't really tell what he feels. He saw Noctis took a deep breath before he looked at the view outside. Prompto decided to sit beside Noctis. He pushed himself up but Gladio stopped his act.

" The hell is wrong with you? " Gladio asked the prince. He sounded annoyed.

Noctis looked up. " What? " he asked.

" We're not stopping in Tenebrae! " Gladio said.

Nobody could really describe what Noctis' expression tells.

" You need to grow up and get over it! " Gladio continued.

Noctis stood up. " I'm over it, I'm here, aren't I?! "

Gladio pulled the collar of Noctis' shirt. " Maybe when you're not too busy moping, you can look around and give a shit about someone worse off than you! " he snapped to Noctis' face.

" Let go of me, " Noctis gritted his teeth.

Prompto looked at both of the guys on front of him. Luckily, the train was kinda empty, so they didn't cause any scene. He didn't know what to do so he just sat beside Ignis.

" How's that ring fit you? You'd rather carry it around than wear it? She gave her life so you could do you duty, not so you could sit around feeling sorry for yourself! " Again. Gladio snapped.

" You don't think I know that?! " Noctis raised the tone of hia voice.

" You don't! Ignis took one for you too and for what? "

" Enough, Galdio! " Ignis who didn't say anything before finally speak up. Both of the guys behaviour surely annoyed him. Noctis just bein stubborn and Gladio just upset.

Gladio finally let go of Noctis. They breath was kinda ragged because of their anger.

" You think you're a king, but you're a coward! " Gladio said. The words were sharp enough to leave a hole on Noctis' heart.

" Shut up! " Noctis yelled. He was upset. Not towards Gladio, but towards his own self. Because everything Gladio said was just right.

" Don't do this! " Prompto cried out. He jumped from his seat to stop his friends. But Gladio pushed him by the face away. He gripped onto a closest seat to stop himself from falling.

Noctis looked at Gladio. He didn't exactly know how he felt right now. He could feel some ters building up in his eyes. " I get it, alright! I get it! " he said. He tried so hard to stop his voice from shaking.

" Then get a grip! Pull your head outta your ass already! " Gladio said. Why can't he just stop?

Noctis bit his lips. He looked at Gladio for a few seconds before turned back and left.

" Noct! " Prompto shouted.

The prince ignored him.

" Noct! " He yelled. He was about to run after him but Gladio stopped him.

" Leave him! " Gladio said.

Prompto looked at Gladio. He shook his head before chasing the prince.

" Prompto! " Gladio yelled.

" Leave them be, " Ignis said.

Gladio sighed. He sat beside Ignis.


Noctis sat on an empty seat. He looked at the window for a few minutes. Then, he looked down to his hands on his lap. Slowly, he opened his closed left palm. There was a ring.

A tear almost slipped out of his eyes but he held it back. He shut his left palm again. He refused to let a sob out of his mouth. His chest hurt. He pulled his hands closer to his chest as he shut his eyes. It was painful.

The prince could feel his breath became uneven. His chest felt really tight. Noctis opened his eyes a little. Everything around him was spinning. He was dizzy. He felt a sweat ran down from the side of his head. His right hand fisted his shirt tightly. He couldn't breathe.

" Noct! " He barely heard that voice. But he knew well who's the owner of it.

" Promp-to, " he managed to speak the name thorough his ragged breath.

Prompto sat beside the prince. He never saw Noctis like this. He usually calm and collected.

Prompto didn't think twice, he pulled Noctis for a hug. " Calm down, Noct. Calm down, " he whispered softly. He put a hand on Noctis' back and the other on his dark hair. He combed the prince's hair lovingly.

" Take a breath, Noct, " Prompto said.

Noctis did as what he was being told. But he couldn't calm down yet. He wrapped his arms around Prompto.

Prompto was surprised. But he relaxed soon and continued to calm the prince down.

" Prompto, " Noctis said quietly.

" What is it, Noct? Are you calm now? " Prompto asked.

Noctis pulled himself back. He leaned in and locked his lips with Prompto's.

The blonde guy's eyes widened. The prince kissed him. His best friend kissed him. His. Crush. Kissed. Him.

When, Noctis almost broke the kiss, he kissed back.

Noctis put a hand on Prompto's cheek. He deepened the kiss. They pulled away softly. Noctis quickly pulled Prompto to his embrace. " Thank you, " he said.

Prompto smiled. " I thought you love Luna, you were going to marry her, " he joked.

" No, Prompt, I love you. Dad told me about the marriage but I love you since the first time I saw you. Lunafreya knew this, " Noctis explained.

" Ehh?? The princess knew?? " Prompto blushed.

Noctis nodded, " She was okay with it. She didn't want an arranged marriage not by loves. And she completely supported us. "

Prompto blushed even more. He whined in embarrassment and burried his face on the crook of Noctis' neck.

Never did they know Ignis and Gladio are watching them with a happy smile on their face.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2019 ⏰

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