A Shocking Surprise

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Austria's POV

We walked towards the castle in complete silence. I mean yea it was weird but I was more concerned about my sister. We came across a chain that looked to be attached to the castle.

"Please tell me we don't have to climb that." I Said

"Aren't scared are you." Drake Said grabbing the chain and started climbing

"What I don't know what your talking about." I Said and started climbing

"Just don't look down." I thought

"Hey princess would you hurry up." Drake Said from the edge of the castle

"How did you get up there so fast?!" I asked

"I'm not afraid of heights." He Said and I glared at him

I started picking up the pace but my hand slipped and I fell off the chain.

"DAMNIT!" I yelled

I closed my eyes and braced for impact but it never came. I opened them to see I was on a hell horse (hell horses are skeletal horses with wings). It brought me up to the castle.

"You fell didn't you." Drake Said

"That's not the point let's just go find the king." I Said walking to the castle entrance

When we got to the entrance there was nobody there.

"You would think they would have this place guarded." I Said opening the door

We walked down a large hall that was covered with weapons and armor. There were also paintings of lands and realm gates. We came upon the throne room door to see there was nobody guarding it. I opened the door and walked in. There were windows around the whole room and red velvet carpet on the floors. The throne was a deep violet color and had gold around the rims. The weird thing was though was that the ceiling was covered in floating water with fish swimming in it.

"Wow." I Said But was cut off by a cage shooting out from the ceiling

"Move!" Drake Said and I jumped out of the way

"What the hell?!" I yelled

"They knew we were coming!" Drake Said

"What how?!" I asked

"It must have been that man from the market." He Said

"Ahhh some smart demons are we." A voice Said from the shadows

"Who are you?!" I yelled

"You will know soon enough." It Said and a black smoke came out from the ceiling and everything went black


I woke up in a cage chained again. I looked up to see a man on the throne. He had dark clothes on and a crown.

"Our guests have waken up." He Said

"You must be king triton or whatever." I Said in a hateful tone

"Got that right my dear." He Said

"I want my sister back." I Said to him

"Tsk tsk tsk. So impatient." He Said

"GIVE HER BACK!" I yelled

"Hmm let me think....no." He Said

He got up and walked to the cage and grabbed my neck.

"Let her go!" I heard drake yell

"Prince Charming's come to save the day." He chuckled and let go of my neck and walked over to Drake who was also chained up

He grabbed a slaydian stone and held it up to drake who fell to the floor.

(You see drake is a slay demon. He comes from a realm that is protected by the slaydian rock which prevents the people from leaveing or entering by weakening them.)

"Why are you doing this." I asked

"Three demons just wondering in my land is not normal. Demons don't just wonder without a reason." He Said

"So what are you here for"

"We have to travel through the different realms to get to a guy named crimson black." I Said

"Well in that case I can't let you leave." He Said

"You see I was sent to this realm to make sure nobody leaves or enters to make it safe for lord crimson. I'm here so that you can't get to him." He Said

"Well I guess I will have to change that." I Said while getting up and trying to brake the chains

"Pathetic little human you can't brake my chains." He Said

"Oh really." I Said and used dark magic on them making them snap in two

I shot dark magic at the cage cracking it with every blow until it shattered. I ran over to Drake and broke his chains and set him against the wall and put a force field around him.

"Clever but no matter. I have a weapon that will surely make you shake." He Said and fire came out of his hand and he threw it at the floor.

A figure appeared in all black with two swords on it's back. It had grey skin and black eyes. My eyes widened as I stepped back away from the figure.

"Sky." I muttered

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