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Skyler's POV

I opened my eyes to see I was in a dark room. I looked around to see nothing but black. There was a dim light from the door. I stood up and walked over to the door. Outside there was a guard but from the looks of it he was dead. I heard foot steps behind me but when I turned around there was nobody there.

"Who's there?!" I Said But got know answer

"I know someone's there so show yourself!" I Said

The figure from the dream stepped out. He had a cloak on and his mask.

"You." I spat stepping back

"Hello princess." He Said

"What do you want." I asked

"Easy really. I won't you to join me." He Said

"Why in hell's name would I do that." I asked him in a stern tone

"Well you see you don't have a choice." He Said walking up to me

He put his hands on the wall with my head in the middle. He brought his face closer to mine. His lips came in contact with mine but I shoved him back.


"I've been waiting to do that for a long time." He Said

"What?! I don't even know you!" I told him

"Oh yes you do." He Said

He got out a dagger and held me against my will. He took it and cut across my stomach and arm.

"I'll see you soon blue." He Said and disappeared

"YOU CREEP!" I yelled but everything went black


I shot up to see I was in the castle room. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see a piece of ripped shirt around my neck.

"Blue.... the only person to call me that is-." I thought But was cut off by the bathroom door swinging open.

Elias came in with a worried look on his face. When he saw me he rushed over and hugged me.

"I'm sorry Sky I didn't mean to it just happened and-." He Said But I cut him off

"Hey it's ok I know your goin threw this uhhh thing and I wanna help you." I Said and he hugged me tighter

After awhile he let go.

"I'll let you get situated." He Said

"Ok I'll be down in a minute." I Said and he left

I grabbed a pair of clothes, a hat, and a oversized sweatshirt. I French braided my hair and walked out.






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