Which Is Which

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Skyler's POV

"You've got to be kidding me." I Said

"How's that possible." Ri said

"I get it now. It's called to realm of two right so everything has a double." Drake Said

"Ri look." I Said pointing to a man

I backed up with widen eyes and ran into Elias. Everyone turned to me and had a worried look on there face.

"Hey it's not really him." Ri Said and put a hand in my shoulder

"Yea." I Said and walked further into the castle

Drake's POV

"She's scared of him now." Elias Said

"I mean he did cut her with a sword." I Said

I walked over to where she had headed. She looked a little pale in the face and was looking at the floor.

"You ok?" I asked and she just nodded

"I wanted to go on this trip so get away from this not to be involved in a search party." She said

"Your doing the right thing sky." I told her

"I guess." She Said and she walked away

I've known the kid since I was 10. Shes a lot like her father in some ways but more like her mother. She trains till she drops but gets distracted easily. Shes like a longer sister and yet I feel like I want her to be mine in a way and that Elias kid is not making it better.

Back to Skyler's POV

I tried staying a good distance from the doubles as possible but it didn't help that one was following me.

"Hey Sky I didn't know you had a twin." The one that looked like Drake Said

"I don't." The one that looked like me Said

"Well then what do we have here." The one that looked like Elias Said

"A copy." The one that looked like Elias Said

He walked up to me and lifted my chin up. I swat his hand away but he grabbed it.

"Listen here you copy I don't like when people come into my realm that aren't suppose to be here." He Said

"First of all I'm not the copy, second I can be here if I want, and third touch me again and see what happens." I told him

"Maybe you should leave her alone." Elias Said from behind me

"So your not the only one here." The Elias copy said

"So." Elias Said putting his hand on my shoulder

"Like I told your friend here I don't like it when copies come into my realm." He Said

"Then how about you leave us alone and we will leave you alone." Elias Said walking away pulling me along with him

"What were you doing." He Said

"Minding my own business they just happened to come up to me. Look I don't like this place so can we leave this shit place and get on with the main job." I Said

"Sky what's wrong." He asked

"I'm not the 19 year old girl anymore you use to know ok I'm here because I'm trying to find what I'm meant for in life not for this bullshit ok so ju-." I Said But was cut off by him hugging me

"I'm sorry Sky." He Said

I hugged him back and saw drake out of the corner of my eyes looking at us but then walk away.

"What are you doing?" I voice Said and I let go of Eli and turned around to see my "father" standing there

"Oh see I'm not your-." I Said But was cut off

"Skyler come with me." He Said

"But I'm not-."

"COME with me!" He Said and I walked with him

We lead us to a room with paintings and a throne. He walked over to the throne and grabbed a sword that was sitting bye it. I backed up hesitantly.

"This was your mother's But when she died she told me to give it to you." He Said

"Moms not dead. What?" I thought

He handed me the sword and I reached out for it but then the door swung open. I copy me came in.

"What the hell do you think your doing!" She yelled

"What's going on?" Satan Said

"I was trying to tell you I'm not your daughter but you wouldn't listen." I told him

"So your a copy." He Said

"I'm not the-." I Said But was cut off by him grabbing my neck

"I don't deal with copies in my land." He Said and bit done on my neck making me pass out

Austria's POV

"We were by the bar when my "father came out with sky on his shoulder passed out

I could see a bite mark on her neck that was bleeding.

"Look what I found." He Said throwing sky to the ground

"A copy."

"I want you to search this place for any others now!" He yelled

"We have to get sky and go." Elias Said

I teleported to sky and grabbed her and made a run for it. We burst out of the castle and headed for a near by forest. I set sky down and healed the bite. When I was done she opened her eyes and we all stepped back.

They were blood red.





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