Chapter 6

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"So what happened into he meeting?" Sam asked anxiously.

"Yeah what happened?" Danny asked.

"Well that fucking arsehole of a head teacher is going to show the fucking video to the school council along with all of my school records for them to decide whether I get to stay or not because apparently Mr Wilkinson 'Can't make these decisions because of the circumstances'. Apparently the process for them to decide can take at least two month!" I said with anger raging inside of me. Once I told the boys they all seemed pretty sad.

"Maybe you wont get kicked out. Maybe they'll give you another chance." James said with hope in his tone of voice.

"ANOTHER CHANCE? ANOTHER FUCKING CHANCE!?" I screamed. "Do you know what I have fucking done? I've been caught high with weed in my bag, I've been caught smoking on school grounds, I've shown up to school drunk, I've had over 22 fights this year, I have the most shit grades ever, I get kicked out of every lesson, I treat all of the teachers like shit, I broke some girls leg in dodge ball, I've snorted cocaine in the school toilets and got snitched on and I've done a hell lot more. Do you really think they are going to give me another chance!?" I shouted. All of the guys silenced and looked at the ground.

I sighed and walked over to where the guys were sitting and I joined them.

"Look I'm sorry I'm just pissed off. What are we going to do about the band?"

"We understand. Look even if you get kicked out you will still be in the band. We will move band practise to after school instead of in free periods." Danny said as he put an arm over my shoulder as I put my head on his chest.

"So what did you guys do while I was gone?"

"Oh we done a couple of songs with Ben and he is fucking awesome so we decided he's in the band." James said. I lifted me head off of Danny's chest.

"That's great!" I smiled at Ben while giving him a massive hug. Ben squeezed me tightly back. I sat back down and started a conversation about our next band practise. We were all in deep conversation when all of a sudden the bell rang for us to go to our next lesson. We all stood up and headed towards the door. We all made our way to science and entered the room 5 minutes late. The rest of the day consisted of people talking about how I whooped Kathy Davis' ass.

The last bell rang to inform everyone it was home time. Everyone scattered out of the classrooms filling the hallways. I waited for the hallways to die down as people would shove others out of the way to get out of school. To be honest I couldn't blame any of them. This school was a shit hole. The hall ways finally died down after a couple of minutes. I stepped out of the classroom with my bag across my chest. I made my way to the heavy school doors and opened them to reveal the shitty British weather. Grey clouds filled the sky signaling it would pour down with rain. I made my way down the small amount of stair and headed my way to the lamppost where Ben, Danny, James and Sam stood all smoking.

"There she is!" James shouted while pointing. I grinned at his remark as I walked closer to the guys.

"Why are you always the last one out?" Danny chuckled while he rapped his arm around my waist pulling me into a hug.

"Because I don't want to be trampled!" I chuckled back. I pulled away from Danny and went over to hug Ben, James and then Sam. I pulled out a cigarette from my bra and placed it between my lips. I pulled my lighter from my pocket sparking up the cancer stick that was held between my lips. I took a long and well deserved drag before inhaling the chemicals and exhaling the smoke.

"So what are you guys doing after here?" I questioned the guys before taking another drag.

"I was think that we all go home and about an hour later go to my house and have a couple of drinks considering its the start of the weekend?" Danny suggested.

"Well I'm up for that." Ben said with a grin. "But I don't know where you live."

"Well what street do you live on Ben?" I asked while exhaling smoke.

"Brenton street. Number 3" Ben shrugged.

"Oh my god I live right next door to you! I live at number 1!" I said with a hint of excitement in my voice. "How about I knock in you once I've gotten dressed and I will show you where to go?"

"Yeah sounds cool to me. I can't believe you live right next door. We are going to have some fun." Ben winked at me. I giggled at Ben but Danny caught my eye as he rolled his.

We all finished our smokes and hugged each other goodbye. Ben linked his arms with mine as we headed down the street in the opposite direction to the others. I liked being in Bens arms. Even though I have only known him for a day I couldn't help but feel close to Ben. Almost attracted if you will.

It's complicated. (Ben Bruce fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now