Chapter 18

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We finally arrived back at my house. There was five moving trucks all parked outside. That's when it truly hit me. In less than half an hour I'd be leaving behind everything that I've ever known and loved.

"Ah I see you have finally decided to show up?" My mother tormented.

"Whatever." I said while moving past her.

"Everything's now in the back of the vans. You have ten minutes to say goodbye and whatever." My dad said emotionlessly beside our car.

I sighed and turned to see the guys who all had tears running down their faces.

"I don't want to leave but I have to." I managed to choke out. They all nodded and gave me a massive group hug.

"We promise to call and text you everyday! We will come see you soon." James sniffled. I nodded my head at him. The guys saying this really comforted me and made moving away a tiny bit easier. They were my family and I loved them so much.

"Kasey get your slutty ass in the car!" My brother screamed from the car.

"Oh fuck off twat face!" I screamed back.

"Oi pack it in the pair of you!" My mam yelled from the front seat of the car.

"I guess this is goodbye." I said while starting to cry.

"We love you." They all said.

"I love you guys too." I choked while getting into the car.

My mam started to drive off in the car. I looked out of the back window to see the guys crying and waving. I started to cry even more and waved at them until they were out of site. I turned back around and went on my phone and plugged my headphones in. This was going to be a long car journey. I put the headphones in my ears and blasted skid row.

It's complicated. (Ben Bruce fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now