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While Clarke Griffin was a smart girl, she preferred to stay away from that side of her. Instead of being that hardworking student her parents probably wanted her to be, she took up cheerleading and parties. It's not that she didn't keep her grades up, she just didn't take classes that would actually challenge her.

Sure, she took a few AP classes in her past years of high school, just to keep her parents happy, but there was always a side of her that wishes she had done more. This year she was content with her class schedule, but she always dreaded one class in particular.

Math. Gross. She had no idea who her teacher was, so she didn't know what to think of the class just yet, but she doubted she would enjoy it. Especially since it was her first period.

It was the first day of school and she decided to wear a black skirt with black stockings, black converse, and a light blue t-shirt tucked in.

Hell yeah, she looked cute as fuck.

Clark has had plenty of admirers, but no one caught her interest most of the time. She's gotten both boys and girls off, and they've done the same for her, but none of the people she's done that for were special enough for her to keep going back.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when she got a text message from one of her closest friends, Raven Reyes, that she was outside her house ready to pick her up. She walked out of her room, double-checking her hair as she passed by the mirror, and said goodbye to her mom.

As she walked outside she saw Raven stick her head out the car window.

"Damn Clarke! Give me a warning next time!" She shouted as she fanned herself. "Who you trying to impress?" She smirked as Clarke got in the car.

"You." Clarke winked at her and they laughed together.

They made conversation, as Raven drove them to school, about what they were looking forward to this year, and Clarke complimenting Raven's naturally wavy hair and cute outfit, but it ended after about 15 minutes when they finally arrived.

"Wait, where and what's your first class?" Raven asked Clarke.

"Uh," Clarke said as she pulled out her schedule. "Pre-calculus honors with Woods in room 182. Do you know him?"

"Can't say that I have. He might be new?" Raven shrugged as we stood near the entrance.

"Yeah, I guess." Clarke huffed. She would've preferred to have background knowledge of who's going to teach Clarke her least favorite subject. All you get is the teacher's last name by the course, and that's it.

"I was gonna walk you to class, but we're on opposite sides of campus." Raven said as she frowned. After they made plans for lunch she hugged Clarke goodbye and they were on their separate ways to class.

Clarke walked into the building and made her way to the entrance of room 182. She peaked through the glass window and didn't see anyone in the room. She kinda felt like a loser for being so early. She was pulled out of her thoughts when the door opened.

'Holy shit' she thought to herself. Woods wasn't a man. She was a gorgeous young woman. She wore a white button-up with the sleeves rolled to her elbows, tucked into black dress pants with a watch, belt and heels.

Her hair was brought back into a ponytail with some strands coming out from the front and Clarke couldn't help but stare.

"Hello?" The woman said, obviously confused by Clarke's blank face.

"Oh, um-hi, sorry. I'm C-Clarke. Are you Ms. Woods?" Clarke mentally cursed herself. She was never nervous, and definitely never a stuttering mess.

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