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As the day went on, I realized I didn't find any of my other classes challenging. I just had one of my study halls and still had one more study hall after this, but then I have an actual class. They all seemed to be simple so far, except one.

Right now it was time for lunch and I found my seat next to Raven. She greeted me and we were sitting with our normal group of friends, but now there was someone else sitting in front of her that I've never seen before. Before I could whisper to Raben asking who she was, she seemed to already figure it out.

"Clarke, this is Octavia! She's in all my classes so far!" Raven exclaimed very, very loudly.

The girl across us shouted a loud 'hey' and I just smiled and waved. As much as I'm glad that Raven made an extra friend to go along with her other 100, I was looking forward to talking to just her during lunch.

It seems that's not going to happen, they're captivated by each other and their conversations.

Whatever, I have other friends anyways.

I got up before anyone could say anything and decided to make my way over to some friends, but decided against it last minute.

Maybe I should go get some math help? I want to make my parents proud with high grades, that's all.

I walked about the cafeteria to the familiar building, and next thing I knew I was knocking on a classroom door and being let in by Ms. Woods.

"Hi, Clarke." She said smiling. "I wasn't expecting any students this soon."

Oh. Maybe she doesn't want me here.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to come this early. I'll go now." I said turning around abruptly, but before I could open the door, I felt a hand gripping my wrist softly.

"Hey, no, I just wasn't expecting anyone. I'll gladly help you with anything." She finished with a smile.

At this point, I was looking down at my wrist where her hand held it. Obviously noticing where my eyes were, she let go and coughed awkwardly before turning around and walking back to her desk.

"So, Clarke, what can I help you with?" She asked in the nicest voice

"Um," I mentally cursed myself for being weird already. "I'm not good at math. It's always my lowest grade out of all my classes, so I was wondering if I could get some briefing about what we're going to be doing for this quarter." I finished saying, my hands tugging the end of my skirt, so my hands wouldn't be awkwardly by my sides. She gave a nod of acknowledgment and went to get something in the back of the room.

This wasn't like me. I'm usually comfortable in my body, but something's off today. I stood there waiting as Ms. Woods went to get a folder from a cabinet. While she was turned around, I admired her body. She was thin, but she had such a nice build-up. She had strong shoulders and arms that seemed thin and long, but you could tell her upper arms were built, even though she was wearing a long-sleeved shirt. Her ass thou-

My thoughts were ended as she was turning around, as I was making sure my eyes weren't looking at her too noticeably.

"I'm actually really glad you're seeking help this early. I wasn't expecting to get any kids until the end of each quarter to raise bad grades." She chuckled to herself as she handed me a folder. "This is a copy of all the lesson plans for the next few weeks. It's not for the whole quarter, but it should help. There are notes I made on it on how to do it correctly and efficiently" She finished up, giving me her signature smile.

God, she was so pretty.

I didn't realize I was just standing there and staring at her until she spoke up again.

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