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*beep beep beep*

I groan as soon as I hear that, ugh, why can't it just shut up? I look up to press snooze but shoot up when I see the time. It's 6:55, Raven will be here in 10 minutes! I rush out of bed and get ready as soon as possible.

I leave the house when I hear her honking. Right when I get it in the car, I drop my bag onto the floor and glare at her.

"What?" She says. "Don't blame me for you looking like death."

Usually, the two of us would talk all the way to school, but I found myself zoning in and out of sleep the whole time.

When we arrive, she shoves my shoulder to get me up. I just rub my eyes and grab my stuff. When we're both out, she looks at me.

"Good luck today. Seems like you'll need it." She gives you a little fake kiss on your cheek and then she's off.

As Clarke walked into school, she already found herself annoyed. She woke up late, forgot her money, had a phone on 14%, and didn't have time to look as attractive as she wanted to. She was walking down the halls in a grey long sleeve from a cheerleading competition tucked into a dark blue skirt that barley met the school's dress code. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail and she couldn't be more annoyed. She hated having ponytails, but her hair was so messy that she had no other option.

Clarke was walking to her first class of the day, which happened to already be her favorite when she heard some guys talking by the library.

"Dude, have you seen that new math teacher? She's hot as fuck!" Some guy who looked like a douche said.

"The Woods chick?" I roll my eyes when he says that, not pronouncing her last name correctly. "Her ass is huge! I wish I could ju-" I walk faster to avoid hearing the rest of that conversation.

Those boys were so disrespectful. How could they say stuff like that? She's a human being, not a piece of meat. I mean, yeah, she's hot, but that was still gross.

I'm not really sure how I should approach Ms. Woods today. It's not like us two have any awkward tension, but me being aware of certain things yesterday, well, I feel like I should bring it down a notch.

Even though I woke up late, I still managed to be early and the first one by the door of her classroom. I don't walk in immediately, I'm just thinking of conversation starters. Right when I think I got one, she walks out.

"Clarke! Good morning." She smiles widely. "Would you like to come in? I thought I saw someone by the door, so I came to check."

I just nod my head because any words I was gonna say disappeared from my thought process when she appeared at the door. She was sporting the same look from yesterday, but with a maroon button-up instead. It really suited her.

"I- um," Fuck, you already messed up! "I took a look at the work from yesterday... I didn't really understand, but it helped." I tugged at the end of my ponytail as I said that.

She looks pleased when she hears me say that. "That's great! I was really hoping it would help."

I just nod my head a little and look down at my dying phone. I have probably over 80 notifications from not checking it. Ms. Woods walks over to her own desk when she sees my phone blown up from all the notifications I'm scrolling through.

"Jeez, that's a lot of notifications. I have, like, three friends. Maybe four. You're pretty popular, Griffin, huh?"

I let out a small chuckle and swoon at the same time. I like it when she says my last name. "I would like to think I have a lot of friends, yeah. Didn't you go to this school?"

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