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"Y'know," Clarke starts as Lexa turns the key in the ignition. "I'm sorry about ruining your night. I wasn't expecting to run into you. Or anyone for that matter." Clarke's eyebrows crinkle as if she was thinking intently.

Lexa snorts. "Clarke, honey, my night was going to be spent watching documentaries and grading papers. You haven't ruined anything." Lexa answers with a sincere voice, even though it was a lie since Clarke actually seemed extremely apologetic.

Clarke scrunches up her nose. "Don't call me honey. Only old teachers call their students that. You're only like, a few years older than me."

Lexa rolls her eyes while driving down the road. "What do you want me to call you, then?"

Clarke looks a little too smug. "Well-"

Whatever she was going to say was cut off when Lexa swerves into another lane to avoid getting hit. "Hey! Fuck you, asshole!" She shouts as she flips off some guy in a minivan.

Lexa's yelling distracts Clarke from the fact she bumped her head on the window. When Lexa turns to check on Clarke, her eyes widen.

"Clarke, your head is bleeding! Oh my god, why aren't you wearing your seatbelt? I'm gonna get in so much trouble. Shit, I cursed in front of you, too. Fuck, I just did it again!" Lexa loudly rambles out.

Clarke seemed unfazed by everything. She lifts her hand to the area where Lexa stared, and when she felt her hand touch something wet, she pulled away and looked at it. "Oh, blood. Sick." Clarke shrugged and put on her seatbelt.

Lexa kind of looks like she's about to have a heart attack.

Too much was happening. Lexa took a breath and opened the glove department to get a napkin for Clarke's head. "I'm sorry I don't have any bandages, just put this on your head, okay?" Clarke just nodded while taking the napkin from her.

"Clarke, did you smoke at that party? You're acting... very slow. And you smell a little." Lexa wrinkles her nose at that last part.

Clarke tenses. "Uh, no. I loved the D.A.R.E. program." She says unconvincingly.

"Okay, sure. I promise I won't tell anyone, but I'm still a teacher. You really shouldn't smoke weed or any other drugs. Was it your first time?"

"No..." Clarke mumbles as she looks down and plays with her fingers.

Lexa sighs. "Please try to not do it anymore? It's a gateway drug and I wouldn't appreciate it if my favorite student got arrested." She finished, trying to be more jokingly for Clarke's sake.

"Alright, Ms. Woods." Clarke says with a closed-lipped smile.

"The only downside to being a teacher is being called 'Ms.' oh, and having to deal with badly behaved kids. You can call me Lexa outside of class. I don't mind."

Clarke mentally fist bumps at that.

Or so, at least she thought she did it mentally.

Now, Lexa's looking over at her with an amused face.

"I see you're still a bit loopy from the greens."

Clarke's face tilts to the side, kind of like a confused puppy.

"The weed, Clarke. Marijuana. Cannabis. Illegal smoking substance." Lexa clarifies and Clarke throws her head back laughing.

Lexa finally pulls into the driveway of an apartment complex and hops out the car. Before Clarke can process what's going on, because she's still a little slow from being drunk and high, Lexa's opening the car door for her.

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