26 (Y/n)

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God this Soo Hyun girl is a bitch. I quickly text Shownu to see how he felt about her, him being the group leader and all.
Me: This Soo Hyun chick, do you approve of her sitting with us?
Shownu: Well no, but she makes Changkyun happy so I let it slide. She was just acting strange before she saw you guys. I wonder why she's being a straight up bitch now.

I snorted a bit after reading that. Shownu normally doesn't talk like that about anyone or anything. It's kind of funny. Proves how unwanted she is.
Soo Hyun: What's so funny?
Me: Your face. Makes me crack up. How exactly do you do your makeup? Do you hire a professional clown artist? Or do you just make out with the Joker and call it good?
She looked at me with a smug look, like she's about to prove me wrong about something.
Soo Hyun: Jokes on you, I'm not wearing makeup.
She flipped her hair in that way girls do when they think they're the shit. My turn now.
Me: Oh? So you're actually that ugly? I feel bad now. Changkyun, never bring her over. Her face will break our mirrors.
Soo Hyun slammed her hand down on the table harshly, like it's gonna help her with anything. I defeated her brutally. I know it's bad to fight fire with fire but she got on my nerves and it's only the first day of meeting her. The other guys laughed but Changkyun just looked at me disappointedly. He shook his head and stood up.
Me: Changkyun? Where are you going?
I.M: Away. (Y/n), I don't know why you're being like this but I'm ashamed. Soo Hyun hasn't done anything, not to mention you just met her like, 15 minutes ago.
I pouted as he left, Soo Hyun following after, but not before sticking her tongue out at me like a five year old would. The table got quiet.
Me: Bro... What went up his ass? Did I really go that far? You guys saw how she was looking at me.
The boys just told me it's all good and that Changkyun just really likes the girl. Wonho rubbed my back comfortingly.
Me: I'm gonna go talk to him. I need to ask him something anyway. I'll apologize and stuff. Guys, make sure to help Wonho out?
I stood up and walked to find my brother. I found him and Soo Hyun outside at the fountain behind the school.

I'm Fine With That:: Wonho x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now