Number 25

383 7 1

Name: Nico

Card nr: 1325

Age: 16

About: Nico (ニコ Niko) is one of the main protagonists of the anime and web manga series. He is in for unknowingly buying and selling drugs in the slums along with aggravated escape. Nico is a rather short and skinny teen with wild, bright green hair that reaches his lower back. He has a darker skin tone and reddish eyes, although one is covered with bandages. There are similar bandages covering his neck, right arm, and right leg. His usual outfit is a plain orange prison uniform. He has a ball and chain attached to his right ankle. When seen not wearing his uniform, such as in flash backs and at the beach, he seems to have a taste for more eccentric clothing.

Personality: Nico is a very cheerful person, rarely taking things seriously; he is seen as happy go lucky. He is a huge anime and manga fan and he enjoys video games. He can be childish and immature at times, as well as being rather impulsive. He is rather effeminate, both in terms of appearance and personality. When meeting , whom he thought was a girl, he complimented his dress. Out of the rest of cell 13, he is arguably the easiest to apprehend with the only difficulty being his strange illnesses.When his medicine wears off he seems to have an alternate personality. Nico becomes crazed, and out of control. He then refers to himself using the third person. In this persona, Nico has no limits to his strength and speed, causing great harm to his body. Nico is also attracted to the smell of medicine, charging at people for medicine to save his life as he views the medicine as his lifeline.

 Nico is also attracted to the smell of medicine, charging at people for medicine to save his life as he views the medicine as his lifeline

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