Number 21

516 6 5

Name: Karen Gokuu

Card Nr: 1321

Age: 17

About: Karen is a guard but she act like prisoner. She is one of the guards helping of supervising Building 13 of Nanba prison. Karen is so bossy then she dont have mood. She listened what supervising said to her. She have long black hair and red highlight back, then she puts in pony tail you can see the red hair. Her light blue eyes look like her eyes are made from water.

Personality: Karen is kind, friendly, sometimes she is ignoring supervising. She works with Yamato Godai. Yamato and Karen are good friends but Yamato can easily lost in corridors but Karen knows all corridors and she have never lost. Karen have 2 brothers, both brothers works at same prison. Names of her brothers are Samon Gokuu and Enki Gokuu. Enki have younger sister but he's not tellin' his young brother Samon.

 Enki have younger sister but he's not tellin' his young brother Samon

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Karen had look same like her supervising Hajime Sugoroku. She used her hat then supervising talks to her or saw he coming. Karen can hear your feet steps of 100,000 miles away and she can understand who is coming or running away by feet steps.

 Karen can hear your feet steps of 100,000 miles away and she can understand who is coming or running away by feet steps

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