Tag, your it

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I was tagged by my friend alderaans

Is there a story you're holding off writing for some reason?

Heh... All of them.

I just finished a month long writing seminar known as NANOWRIMO. Yeah, it's where you have to write a 50,000 word novel during the entire month of November. So right now I am trying to get back into the flow of writing Fanfiction.

I do plan on updating sometime in the future, just be patient with me yeah? ☺

What work of yours, if any, are you most embarrassed at existing?

The three Twilight fics that I don't know why I haven't deleted yet. I don't really no what I was thinking when I published them, I guess I had some kind of plot figured out at the time.

Either way they will be meeting their end soon.

What order do you write in?

Erm... Beginning to end I guess? If I have an idea for a certain part of a story that won't go away if I'm already in the process of writing another part, I'll just write that part out before going back to the part I was previously writing.

Unless of course my mind stays with that part, then I'll keep going until I think about the part I was previously writing or another part before/after the one currently being written.

Favorite Character you've written?

Oof. I'd say that it's a toss up between my OC from my Marvel fic Kya Milani or my Star Wars OC Nefertara Anhksamun because both women have confidence that I wish had.

For canon characters I'd have to say Tony Stark because he's a sarcastic piece of shit with unhealthy coping mechanisms, me, who accidentally adopts a child who is a total dork and needs guidance before they hurt themselves, also me.

Just to be clear, I have not actually adopted any actual children. I am referring to my friends at school 😁😁😁.

Also I'm looking forward to writing Sherlock Holmes for my Sherlock fic Selcouth because he's a diva that you simply love to hate and hate to love.

Character you were most surprised to end up like writing?

Bruce Wayne/Batman. At first I was worried because he is such an emotionally complex character and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to capture that complexity in its fullness. But I quickly found out that I enjoyed the challenge that that presented.

Something you would go back and change but it's too late/complicated now?

In my fic Silver Waters, I was tempted to have Clint primarily raise my OC. But I love the idea of Mother Black Widow too much.

When asked, are you enthusiastic/embarrassed about telling people that you write?

Well, a lot of people around me know I write already. Just the Fanfiction is often a part that's left unsaid.

Favourite genre to write?

Usually Adventure and/or Romance. Sometimes dabbling in Hurt/Comfort.

What do you do for inspiration?

Obsessively think about a certain fandom for hours on end. Listening to music helps too 😁

Do you write in silence or with background noise?

Depends on my mood really.

What aspect of your writing has improved since the beginning?

Character Development and plot

Your weakness as an author?

A couple of aspects in detail.

Your strength?


Do you make playlists for your fics?

That I listen to specifically for a certain fic? Not exactly. I mean I've been procrastinating with starting to write fics again by making playlists for them instead.

Were there any books that influenced your style?

Most likely. I can't really remember anything specific.

When it comes to more complicated narratives, how do you keep track of outlines, characters, development, timescales etc?

I don't really keep track of outlines or timescales, and I usually just read over previous chapters to keep track of characters and their development

Do you write in long sit down sessions or in brief spurts?

Again, depends on my mood

What do you think when you read over your old works?

There is definite room for improvement,

Are there any subjects that make you uncomfortable to write?

Erm... I'm not all that comfortable with smut.

Any obscure life experiences that may have helped your writing?

Nothing I'm comfortable with sharing

Have you ever become an expert in something you knew nothing about in order to improve a story?

Not yet no.

Copy and paste a paragraph that you are particularly proud of?

The nexu roared as the Mai dug her claws into it's back. And the latter yelped when her opponent's whip-like tail struck her across her shoulder blades. The nexu threw her off before immediately pouncing on her, and she used her now seemingly endless strength to grip the side of the nexu's head to keep its fangs away from her face. Thinking quickly, she dug her toe claws into the nexu's belly, and when it's head reared upwards in pain, she sank her fangs into the nexu's neck, and stayed clamped on until it stopped struggling.

I tag:

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