This is Me

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Oh goody... Share time.

1.) I'm eighteen years old

Yay, adult life!

2.) I'm a coffee fanatic... It's gotten to the point where my mom has restricted me to one cup of caffeine a day.

Never said how big the cup could be though 😈

3.) I want to be an editor with writing on the side... Shocking right?

4.) I'm known as the 'therapist' in my group of friends... Speaking of which I often don't have to go looking for friends, they gravitate to me.

No joke... Usually they're quiet problematic children.

Not complaining though.

5.) I'm the quiet/observant kid that makes sarcastic remarks under my breath.

Which goes back to #4 because I'm pretty sure this is why problematic children gravitate towards me

6.) I love Debate! Particularly Congress because I can laugh at how, quoting my debate teacher, students from the range of fourteen to eighteen are more civilized than America's actual Congress.

And also some really interesting topics come up too.

7.) I joined Wattpad in 2015 and in the time period, I can't remember the exact time, I branched out to and the Archive of Our Own.

8.) I have a wee problem where I have a faint idea for a story and the faces I want to use but the plot is usually extremely hazy.

9.) Emotions are easy for me to write, kind of, but coping with emotions in real life are difficult.

10.) Favorite people on Wattpad are the followingg
alderaansmention a user

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