1 / quiet nights

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nights in the libraries were quiet. well mostly because of the fact that they were libraries and you were supposed to be quiet in them. if you listened hard enough, you could hear the radiator hum causing a white noise to fall over the area. usually there weren't many people around except the usual stressed college student such as myself trying to get away from the noise of the city and apartments. thankfully, the library is the perfect place to do so. i'm majoring in astronomy, i know, it sounds difficult but it's really not. our classes are small since nobody's really into astronomy which makes it easier to concentrate. sometimes our classes are combined with the astrophysics class which was fun because they were the smartest of the smart. i sit there in the hard metallic chair, reading my boring textbook, i have a major exam in a few days and i'm trying to cram as much information as i can. i keep rereading a paragraph over and over, my brain getting fuzzy. i think about going for a walk, but it's 2 am and i don't want to be mistaken for a prostitute at this hour. i sigh and put my head in my hands, my eyes feeling heavy. i've been spending this past week just studying for this stupid exam. i feel tears prick the corners of my eyes, i don't want to do this anymore. college is so stressful. not to mention the peer pressure and tuition and everything. it's so rough on the mind. i start crying without realizing and try to calm myself down but it's no use. it's hard to hide when the room is so empty that any noise you make echoes. my hands cover my eyes and try to wipe my tears away with no effort. i suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. my head shoots up and through my tears, i see the most gorgeous boy i've ever seen. his hazel eyes are glazed with worry and he has the thickest most curly hair i've ever seen. he has thin rimmed gold glasses that frame his eyes. he is wearing a black turtleneck and tight pants. my heart speeds up and i try to wipe my tears away.
"a-are you okay?" the boy asks. his voice soft and soothing. his hand rubs my shoulder. he seems familiar but i don't know for sure. i nod trying to cover up my visible distress. he breaths out a laugh. "you don't seem too okay." this makes me smile and i sniffle. "exam week?" he asks.
"yeah. astronomy" i say. his eyes go wide as if i just said something horrifying.
"really? astronomy? you don't really look like the type" he says running a hand through his thick dark brown curls. i scoff.
"what's the 'type'?" i say finger quoting 'type.' his cheeks turn rosy.
"oh it's nothing really.." he says trying to avoid saying something stupid.
"no. tell me. do i look too stupid?" i plead, forgetting that i was ever really upset. he giggles.
"no! you just.. uh.. i never figured a really pretty girl could be into space" he says, his voice lowering volume by so much, i almost had to ask him again. a blush forms on my face and my cheeks hurt from smiling so wide. my heart beats rapidly.
"oh.. um.. thanks.." i say. nobody's ever really called me pretty before.
"my name's Brian May.. i'm in astrophysics. i figured you looked familiar" he says, holding out a large calloused hand for me to shake. i gently hold his hand and shake as i introduce myself.
"i'm f/n l/n. i'm in astronomy as you know already. i never figured that a boy as cute as you could be into astrophysics" i say, beaming. he smiles and turns his head away so i can't see him blush although it's really obvious.
"so you seemed pretty stressed until i showed up. would you like some help? we are in similar fields" he says. i nod, desperate for help.. and for him. he moves his chair closer to me. butterflies fill my stomach, my leg twitches. he sees i'm nervous and places a hand on my knee to stop my fidgeting. i look at him and he smiles. the lens of his glasses reflecting my face. my cheeks are red and my hair is a mess but i don't care. he called me pretty so i bet i don't look that bad. the library gets less quiet as he explains things about space and his big paper he's doing. he talks about his family and life to me.
"you know.. i play guitar" he says. i stare at him.
"no way! that's awesome! i can play some piano but i'm no good" i say, truthfully. "are you any good?"
"some people say i am but i'm not sure. i'm in a band actually. we play some gigs and we actually just finished recording our second album. you can come to the next show if you'd like to see me play" he says with a wink. he knows he's good. i smile.
"sure! how can i decline that offer?" i say and hit him lightly in the arm. he smiles. after what feels like hours, he stands up.
"well i better get going.. i'll let you know the details about the show. it was lovely meeting you, y/n" i smile and get up and put my coat on. it was about time i left too.
"it was lovely meeting you too, Brian. thanks for helping me study. i can't wait to see you play" i reply and he brushes a stray hair behind my ear.
"i'll see you around" he says as he leaves a small piece of paper in my palm. it contains his phone number.my heart flutters as he leaves the library. the air stands still as my heart pounds. the library is quiet again. i sigh, goosebumps lining my arms. his eyes don't leave my mind. i grab my bag and leave the nearly empty library, the librarian gives me a wink. i roll my eyes. the door shuts behind me as the wind blows through my hair. i hope Brian isn't cold. i shiver as i get in my car and start the engine. the radio starts up and the DJ explains something about current events. the drive home is quiet and lonely. i wish Brian was here with me. i wonder if he's thinking of me. the bright street lights along the road illuminate the cement guiding me home. as i pull up in front of my apartment, i sigh. what a night. i hope i'll see him soon.

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