4 / stars and chords

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the warm glow of the sun shines through the blinds enveloping Brian's outline in a golden glow. i can't take my eyes off of him. he looks so calm when he's sleeping, even more so than when he's awake. he breathes softly and his eyelashes flutter slightly. i trace invisible patterns in his slim yet muscular arms. after a few minutes his eyes open, meeting mine in a tired gaze.
"good morning" i say cheerfully, and plant a soft kiss on his forehead. he smirks.
"good morning, dear" he replies.
"you look gorgeous" i whisper. i feel his heart pound through his chest. 
"you as well" he returns. i blush. he pulls me closer to him and holds me for a minute. i breathe him in like he's my only life source. my sun. his long arms wrap around me, trapping me. i savor the moment and embrace the desperately needed affection.
"are you free today?" he whispers, trying not to break the moment.
"yes. why?" i ask.
"i'd like for us to go somewhere. how about a observatory? i can catch up on my research and it would be a grand time. i don't have another show until a few days" he says. i smile.
"i'd love to. that sounds wonderful" i say. he hums in response.
"great. we'll go later tonight" he breathes. "but for now let's just stay here." i sigh in response.
"i really like being with you" i say.
"me too."


Brian grabs his notebook and guitar and swings out the car door. i breathe in the fresh early winter air and his footsteps make the leaves crunch under him. he takes my hand and leads me toward the observatory, a huge smile on his face. the big night sky hovering over us intimidating me, but clearly not Brian. he embraces the sky. we reach the empty observatory, Brian places his guitar and notebook down near a large telescope and climbs up, staring into the viewfinder. his smile grows and he looks back at me, my heart beating so fast. shockwaves of love run through my body. is this what it feels like? he gasps.
"oh wow look at that. that's gorgeous" he whispers to himself. i laugh. he turns around. "and you too, love" he says. my cheeks flush. that's new. he reaches his hand down and helps me up.
"look in the telescope" he instructs. i do as he says and gasp at what i see. a wide array of stars, constellations, planets (although small) are displayed. it almost seems dreamlike.
"wow that really is beautiful" i say.
"it really is" he says. "that's why i love space so much. it never ceases to amaze." i nod in agreement. he jumps down from the platform and sits down. he takes his guitar out and runs his hand through his hair. i stare at him in bewilderment as he pulls out a pen from his hair. i laugh.
"you really are amazing" i say. he giggles and shrugs.
"just in case inspiration strikes" he says. i smile and turn back to look into the telescope. he starts strumming chords and humming. i smile as he sings, his soothing voice echoing in the empty chamber.

she is my heart
she is my love
she is my love

i listen to him as he writes down lyrics and strums chords on his guitar. his eyes looking at me every now and then. is he writing a song for me? oh no this can't be. no one's ever written anything for me before. the dim light hits his face as he sings, my heart feels like it's bursting.
"that's a sweet song" i say. he stops strumming.
"thanks, dear. i like it" he replies.
"who's it for?"
"someone you know" he says with a wink. i shift nervously. he goes back to strumming and i jump down and sit next to him. i read the lyrics on the notebook.

i know
i'm jealous of her
she makes me need
she is my love
she is my love

i lean my head on his shoulder as he continues singing, his arm shifting up and down as he plays the chords. my heart aches with devotion. i kiss his cheek and he smiles.
"you're really the light of my life" i say. he stops strumming.
"really?" he asks. i nod furiously.
"of course." he gently places his guitar down and kisses me so passionately, i nearly pass out. it's much like the night before but more deep and soulful. he controls himself and takes his time. i wrap my arms around his neck and lean into it. his arms pull me in closer to him. it feels like we're two stars burning in the sky and we collide to form something bigger, much bigger. his hands move down my arms and to my legs. he grips my thighs as he pulls away. his eyes burn with passion and adoration. i catch my breath and wipe my mouth with my sleeve, his saliva running down my chin.
"wow.." i breathe out. he laughs.
"do you want to keep going? we almost.. went there" i ask, genuinely wanting more. he shakes his head.
"n-not tonight. i'd rather wait until you're ready. like you said yesterday" he says, huffing out his words. i nod.
"okay. yeah i agree" i say. "sorry if i was pressuring you." he smiles.
"you weren't" he says. it becomes silent again. i scoot out to the middle of the floor and lie down, motioning him to do the same. he comes over and lies down next to me. the large glass window above us, shows us a panoramic view of the sky, which is exceptionally clear. he links his fingers with mine. his song replaying in my mind.
"i never thought there could be anything prettier than the stars" Brian says, turning his head to me. my heart flutters. i grip his hand tighter and smile and he turns his head back up to face the sky.

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