12 / as it began

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the lights of Manhattan shine brightly in the night as we near the venue. Roger prances around like a puppy clearly amazed by all the people and sights. Freddie window shops and admires the clothing in the windows. Brian and i walk hand in hand ignoring the stares of the people lined up near the entrance. security greets us as excited fans yell out their names. we go down to the basement and walk down a long hallway to our dressing rooms. we hear the fans overhead. the dressing room is small but contains the usual. a sofa, a mini fridge, a long table containing makeup, food and gifts. i sit on the sofa. Brian, John, Roger, and Freddie all stand in front of the long mirror doing their hair and makeup for the show, clothes scattered all over the room. Freddie runs around shirtless searching for his top. Freddie and Brian put on matching white tops and Roger wears a studded velvet shirt. John wears a low cut shirt with a leather jacket. Freddie tries to put eyeliner on him. his long dark hair swaying as he giggles, his laughter filling the room. i sit and admire Brian as he fixes his hair. it's mid May and the rain won't stop pouring. even though he's not outside, Brian's hair can sense the humidity and gets even more puffy. they've been on tour for a few months already and i've been having as much fun as they have. i run some errands for them such as dry cleaning and picking up their coffees. 
"anyone want any drinks before the show?" i ask. Roger grabs a beer from the mini fridge and downs it in 5 seconds.
"no need, darling. we've got it all covered" Freddie replies. i roll my eyes as Roger wipes his mouth with his sleeve.
"let's go?" Brian asks slinging the red special over his shoulder. he kisses me softly on the forehead and stands in the doorway. Roger stumbles next to him and Freddie and John soon follow. John gulps nervously, it's their first big show in a place as intimidating as New York. i place a hand on John's shoulder trying to calm his nerves. we've become good friends since the start of the tour in March. 
"you'll do great, John. i'll be rooting for you" i say. he smiles at the floor.
"you mean it?" he asks. i nod.
"always." he joins the rest of the group at the door. they start walking to the stairs that lead up to the stage. Brian gives me a small wave.
"good luck!" i yell as they go up. Freddie runs up on his tip toes adrenalin coursing through his veins. i grab my bag and go up to backstage to see them play. the screams of the crowd erupt and i smile knowing how that gets them going. Brian's guitar fills my ears and i think back to when he plays it sweetly and quietly in our apartment and how loud and powerful it is on stage. i guess there really are 2 sides of him. John jumps around on stage clearly forgetting his nerves. he turns his head and looks at me. i wave at him and give him a thumbs up. he smiles and twirls causing me to giggle. Freddie's powerful voice fills the arena, the crowd getting lost in the sounds. i find myself swaying and singing along to the music. Roger works hard on his drumming and i find myself staring at Brian once again. his eyes concentrated solely on his guitar, his face in a focused expression. he glances up at the crowd and he smiles, clearly enjoying himself. the concert lasts for a few hours, ending with the encore of covers. after doing their bows they run backstage and all high five each other. they all wrap me up in a big sweaty group hug.
"we did it!" Roger says.
"we played New York!" John says.
"i can't believe it" Brian says.
"and they liked us!" Freddie replies. i laugh.
"you guys are crushing me but i'm so proud of you" they release me and laugh. the lights turn on and the fans leave. we go downstairs and the afterparty begins. Roger starts drinking alcohol and soon forgets himself and starts taking multiple girls to his dressing room. we leave him alone and mind our own business. John sits alone in the corner, striking up small conversation with a reporter every now and then. i sit next to him, Brian chatting with a fan.
"not much of a partier huh" i say. he shrugs his shoulders.
"i guess not" he gets up and grabs a sandwich on the table.
"cheese on toast?" i ask. he takes a bite and shrugs.
"it's the next best thing" he replies.
"no wonder you're so skinny." he giggles.
"i don't know. it's just the best. you can't go wrong with it" he replies still chewing the sandwich. i shove his shoulder lightly.
"hey don't talk with your mouth full" i say. he swallows.
"sorry" he says pouting. Freddie dances around striking up loud conversation with anyone in his vicinity. Brian walks over to John and i sitting next to me.
"i'm beat. wanna go to the hotel?" Brian asks leaning on my shoulder. i nod. i get up and help him up. we leave the venue, the humid spring air filling my lungs. i call a cab and in a few minutes we're at our hotel. as we walk into the lobby and elevator, Brian's feet drag on the floor. he's usually not this tired, the show must've really got him. his entire body feels limp. i hold his hands and pull him into the room. he falls onto the bed not bothering to take his clothes off. his breath is labored. i sigh and take his shoes of for him. he curls up under the blankets his forehead dotted with beads of sweat. i feel his forehead with the back of my hand and to my surprise and concern, it's really hot. the room is chilly so a fever is the only logical reason i can explain it. i sit him up and take his shirt off. his arms sticky with sweat. i grab a wet cloth and dab at his skin. i toss him a t-shirt which he reluctantly puts on and lies in bed. he rubs his arm and winces at the pain.
"you stay here. i'll be back" i walk down the hall to Freddie's room. i knock on the door.
"who is it?" his voice rings from behind the door.
"it's me, Fred. it's urgent" i say. he opens door and i walk in sitting on the couch.
"Brian has a fever. a bad one. he's hot and uncomfortable and i don't think he can continue touring for the next few days at least" i say. Freddie looks down at the floor obviously upset by this news.
"Brian's health is important and if we would jeopardize that by continuing the shows, i won't allow it. please send him my well wishes. if you need anything else, darling, let me know" he says placing a hand on my shoulder. worry fills my gut. i hold back tears and hug Freddie.
"thank you" i say. he hugs back and looks at me.
"don't go all soft now on me, darling. he'll be fine in no time" he says. god, i hope so. i leave Freddie alone and go back to my room. i see Brian shivering on the bed. i go under the covers with him.
"you'll get sick if you sleep with me, dear" he says.
"i don't care" i say and wrap my arms around him. his shivering ceases and he holds me. "i'm scared" i admit. he remains silent.
"me too but we'll just have to pray i get better" he says. i sigh. he's right. i kiss his jawline softly and curl into him, he falls asleep quickly but i lie awake into the early hours of the morning.

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