How You Met (Jace)

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The roaring screams around you charged you with adrenaline.
You came to the fight club heaps.
You had stumbled upon it one night, and had been a regular ever since.
"Kill her!!!" One man screeched right next to your ear.
You fought the urge to give him a light smack in the face.
You moved away from the grimy concrete wall.
The pit you were in had concrete walls rising up a metre or so, and they were dirty with years of blood.
As for the dirt floor... You would rather not explain.
The man swung a punch at you and you ducked, elbowing him in his solar plexus, then whirling around to punch him in his lumbar vertebrae.
He collapsed on the ground and made a noise that sounded like a dying animal, then you left the pit and moved to the bar.
They had a little tinny fan on the counter and, since you were wearing cameo pants and a sports bra, the breeze was wonderful.
As you unwound the bandage padding off of your hands, a person came up beside you.
"Now that was impressive," you turned to see a young man.
His hair was golden and his eyes sparkled.
"I'm glad you enjoyed the show," you said tautly.
Loads of guys hit on you after fights, this one was probably no different.
"Honestly I've only ever met two girls that can do that," he continued on. Obviously not taking the hint.
"That's nice," you said, taking a sip of your water.
"My sister and you." You looked over at him.
"You're bloody persistent aren't you?"
He just grinned.
"If you let me take you on a date I'll show you just how persistent I can be."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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