Souls and Life (11)

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"O-okay class! Today we're learning about souls!!" Alphys said, quite excited. Heck, she even lost her stutter for a bit there.

She projected a picture of all souls up, human and monster. (I'm just going to clarify that in this story, monster souls do have colors and corresponding traits, but are less powerful and are still upside down.)

The one that really caught my eye was my soul, which is S/T. For some reason, I kept on finding my mind wandering to who has what soul.

Noelle definitely had kindness, Berdly was perseverance, Susie.......I honestly don't know.

"O-okay class! W-w-what is YOUR s-soul trait?" Miss Alphys suddenly called. Pointing at the start of the room, she went row by row.

"Justice." "Bravery." "Kindness!" "Patience...." "Integrity." "Perseverance!!" "Kindness." "Bravery." "Perseverance." "Determination!!!!! YAAS!" ".....integrity...."

People continue to say their soul traits, determination being least common, and bravery being quite common. I just laid low in my seat, slowly beginning to daydream about things...

"...uh, Y/N?" a voice said, snapping me back to reality. "Your soul t-trait?" "Oh! Uh, S/T!" (Oh yeah, feel free to use a fan soul trait. Hell, using a fan trait might be even more applicable to this story. *awkward winks*)

"T-that's a c-c-cool trait! Susie?"

"It's *mumble*." She said, looking away. I could tell Miss Alphys was going to tell her she couldn't hear her, but she simply just moved on.

I think she's scared of Susie.

Granted, I can't really judge. I kinda am too...ahaha.

Still, my curiosity ached my soul. Soul...soul!!!

I want to eat a soul!!

Wait, what the fuck am I thinking....? That's practically cannibalism. I'm so disgusted with myself for thinking that....

I really am a creep, huh??

Still, I wonder about Susie's trait. I don't know her well enough to guess. Based on the fact that she's embarrassed, I can narrow it down a bit.

So, based off of her embarrassment, I'd guess either kindness, perseverance, or patience.

I can just ask her- wait no, can't really do that, can I??

Distracting me from my thoughts, the bell rang loudly. Everyone rushed out of the room, and I was about to think about how to spend, yet another, lonely day. Then I remembered that it's Tuesday, meaning Board Game Club.

Everyone was at their lockers, so I rushed over to mine. "The lock's locker is locked." I read. That was the note on my locker. I can always try it after Board Game Club I guess.

I walked over to Board Game Club's clubroom and saw Monika and Susie already there. "Oh, hey Y/N!!" Monika said, waving at me. She reminds me of an anime girl.

Susie simply shot a little look in my direction, looking away as soon as she looked at me.

"Ah, I wish I could have a cupcake. Cupcakes always broke the ice in my old club." Monika sighed, tapping the desk with her long fingernails. "Oh? I wasn't aware you held more than one club! What was your old club?" I asked. "Oh, it was the Literature Club, there were 5 of us...." Monika explained, looking down slightly.

"You seem sad. What happened to them??" I ask, feeling like I was about to get into some serious deep shit.

"Sayori....hung herself. Yuri....stabbed herself. Natsuki.....snapped her neck. MC.....left forever." I knew I'd asked a sensitive question, so I just backed off a bit.

Her Soul | Susie x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now