Episode 30: The Girlfriend Search

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"It's me today, folks," Harry said and barged into the Chipotle. Everyone looked over at him for a second and then returned to having a conversation. Harry jumped on the table, forcing everyone to now pay attention to me. "It's me who's giving you all a plot today," Harry said and pointed around to everyone.

"When did he become such a big part of the story?" Simon asked and looked at Anusha and Lewis.

"Probably since Hazzabear," Anusha screeched and got a few concerning looks.

"Yeah," Lewis agreed, "He also used to be Veronica's favorite."

Veronica looked up at the sound of her name and over to Lewis and Anusha. "What?" She asked.

"Nothing," Lewis waved his hand, "Sip your drink."

"You know she made you a big part of the story too," Anusha nudged him.

"Of course, Of course," Lewis mumbled.

"Anyways!" Harry yelled after letting the strange interaction pass. "I'm going to be calling someone out."

"Please, Harry," Dylan sighed, "We already have the war to worry about."

"Not like that," Harry replied. He pointed straight at Simon and looked him dead in the eyes. "I'm calling out this lonely bitch."

"What?" Simon asked, "Why?"

"Because you're a lonely bitch," Harry said.

"What!?" Simon shrieked, "Am not."

"Actually," Liz said after tapping her chin a few times. "You are pretty lonely compared to the rest of us."

"What do you mean?" Simon asked.

"Well," Harry started, "Josh and Rachael have each other. Aggie has Lachlan. Anusha and Lewis are god buddies, and Anusha also has Tobi and together they provide emotional support. Dylan has Wyatt sort of kind of, Liz has/had Kendall who is yonder, and..." Harry looked over at Vik and Veronica. "Vik is in denial and Veronica seems to kiss everyone she looks at so-"

"Hey!" Veronica yelled, "I haven't kissed you!"

"What's that say about your tastes?" Harry responded and Veronica just scoffed at him.

"Kiss everybody? Hmph, you kiss everybody," Veronica mumbled to herself and leant back in her chair as Harry kept accusing Simon of his said loneliness.

"Yeah, fair," Simon said, "But what about you?"

"He's Hazzabear," Anusha answered, "Hazzabear has everyone."

Harry nodded. "Plus," He added, "I have a little crush of my own. You have nothing."

"You have a what now?" Liz asked him and Harry viciously shushed her and looked back at Simon.

"I have... Veronica," Simon said and looked over to his sister.

"Ha!" Veronica obnoxiously laughed, "You think that counts?"

"It doesn't," Harry said.

"Maybe I have a crush!" Simon yelled.

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