me: present

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why i must be unstuck
i am an author love
it is only fair that i tell my
what has happened
what is happening
what will happen
these are my words that drip
into a painting where people
can see
no longer in a tunnel
a train
but a landscape  

a love idiom

yes, there is a sea
a whole freaking sea
full of all those fish i could catch
but it is scary and
so comfortable to swim in
shallow safe waters, why would i
swim out? where all you see is blue
and darkness and maybe a fish, but
mostly a shadow that is more
visible than the object it belongs to
everything is upside down, broken
so find me in the shallow waves  

someday, i'm gonna
grow up and become
one of those heroes
you should never meet

i'm going to keep
writing you until you
send something in return
and even though i don't
know your name, dear one,
i'm M. and i live
in a lot of places
find me at one  

patience: a virtue i don't possess
i miss America
i came to this foreign land
to meet you
but i found me and she is
such an ugly rude bug
i'm tired of eating fish
and bread
they don't taste good together
i miss baths, and my dog,
and a good hamburger
if you don't come soon
you will miss me



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