him: dearest.

1 0 0

you held me
and whispered
the nearest galaxy
is 70,000 lightyears
away from us
we are living
and watching
thousands and thousands
of years in its past
and in that moment
we watched worlds thrive
before they were even born
i realized that you too
slipped from time
like me

a man talked to me today
twirled me up with his finger
and whispered sweet things in
my hair
for a moment i wished he was you
but i left as the wind
pushed me out the door
my fingers wet with cake and
icing, like childhood.
why did i like summer so much
back then, do children even sweat
i never remembered uncomfort then
the waves brought me back
sunny beach and volleyball
the man was nice
but there was no train whistle
he could not be you

lost ticket
one day i'll find you
and explain all the reasons why
i have been taking so
long to prepare to board
this train

you can be whatever you
want, even if you are not
mine. how can i claim a
mountain, or river
i do not expect you to love
me back
just know i think you are
more than a masterpiece
you are the original.
what artists strive to
put into words and color
but can never truly be captured
in a photograph.

chipped china
to you they are flaws
but to me they are
the gold melted to
repair the dish  

the wandererWhere stories live. Discover now