The Engagement

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I got down on one knee. My hands were shaking and my face felt hot, but I figured it couldn't have possibly been more red than Shiro's. He was covering his tomato of a face, and he looked just as nervous as I felt. But his smile still brightened the room. Shakily, I spoke,

"Ta-Takashi, I know we always laughed at those cliche proposals, but," I fumbled for the ring box in my coat pocket. "I-we've been through so much together, and I," I paused to push my glasses back in place, they were slipping from all my sweat. "I can't imagine leaving your ass alone," Shiro laughed, looking down and shaking his head. "So, what'd ya say? Will you marry me?"

In an instant Shiro was on the ground kneeling in front of me. His clammy hands grabbed mine, and he pushed his nose against my glasses so they would be crooked. Laughing, he nodded.

"Yes," his shaky voice made me laugh.

"Yes? Are you sure?" I joked.

"Yes." He said firmly, squeezing my hands harder.

"Okay, but just warning you, there's no getting rid of me now-" Shiro pushed me to the ground and started kissing me. After a few seconds I broke away, laughing. "That is no way to treat your fiance!" I playfully scolded. Shiro rolled his eyes.

"Oh fuck off, Adam,"


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