Chapter 5- Dawn's POV

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The helicopter landed smack on Route 201, and a flock of Starly fluttered away. The door to the copter slid open, and two girls and a boy hopped out. The boy pointed at Lucas. "Are you Dawn?"

"Does he look like a Dawn?" Barry snapped.

"Stop being such a pest!" the girl with dark brown hair said to the boy, then pointed at me. "That's Lucas!" She looked over at me, and her expression changed. "Sorry. I'm Touko." She gestured to the other girl. "This is Haruka." She gestured to the boy. "And this is my little brother pest- I mean Kyouhei."

"I'm not a pest!" Kyouhei whined.

"Spoken like a true pest. Anyhoo, it's probably time for us to leave."

"Okay," I said, blowing out a puff of air. "Bye, guys."

"See you," Barry said.

"Bye, Dawn!" Lucas said, forcing a smile. He seemed rather sad, so I gave him a quick hug.

"Hey, do I get a hug?" Barry said, grinning.

"Sure." I hugged him and boarded the copter. I didn't look back out of fear that I might start crying hysterically.

Touko had already taken a seat and was dashing off a piece of Mail. "Whatcha doing?" I asked her, sitting down next to her.

"Writing Mail," she replied without looking up.

"How are you going to send it?"

"Carrier Pidove."

"I thought it was Carrier Pidgey."

"So did I."

*                *               *

"We are now arriving at the first Interregional Rest Stop. Current distance from Mt. Silver: 17,000 kilometers. When we land, a Pokémon Center will be to your left, and a fast food restaurant will be to your right. Tell them you're with me and you get free lunch."

"Ooh, free lunch!" Kyouhei sprang out of the helicopter as soon as it touched down and darted over to the restaurant.

"Kyouhei, wait! I'm not supposed to let you out of my sight!" Touko ran out after him.

I sighed and looked at Haruka. "This is what we'll be dealing with for who knows how long."

"Yeah. I'll be in the Pokémon Center if you need me." She left the helicopter and sprinted toward the orange roofed building.

I walked into the restaurant. Touko and Kyouhei were at the counter ordering food. I noticed a pay phone on the wall. I walked over to it, dropped $10 in the slot, and dialed Lucas' number.

She picked up on the first ring. "Hello?"

"Hi, Lucas. This is Dawn."

"I thought there was no service on Mt. Silver!"

"I'm not AT Mt. Silver. I'm at an interregional rest stop 17,000 kilometers from Mt. Silver."


"And I figured I had $10 to burn, so I decided to give you a call."

I heard scuffling noises in the background and a muffled "Is that Dawn? Give me the damn phone!" before it settled. "Hey, Dawn," Barry chirped on the other end of the line. "Did anyone die yet?"

"Thankfully, no."

"That's good. Hey, what's that beeping noise?"

"Crap. I'm out of credit. I'll call you again at the next-"

"Please insert $10 to continue this call," the phone said in a monotone voice. I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone.

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