A Diary Entry

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Dear Dieri,

In klas today, anurag threw a peace of dert at me! I was so mad! He is soo meen!

Yea, frm now on, Im gaing to writ in English. Cause all famouse people talk in English and i am very famouse.

And if I writ in English, I am goin to be evn more famouser. Also, Miranda Sings is my favrite and she taks in English too! Maybe i am a lettle cooler then her. I am also goin to youse cool words. So if you dontch no English, you bette lern it, dierie! You weil b more echucated if you no English.

I was sayin, anurag is a bed persen. And Julia threw it back at him. She is such a saveyour! I thank GOD four her. And then Aza scold him and she is my saveyour 2. God geve me gud frends because he nose that i am a very gud persen. That is why i luv GOD. He is so sapportev of me.

Viva is my new boyfriend. I thank i am blushin! But, he desnt no tat he is my boyfriend. Ets a cigrete. Dontch tell him! He put cake crem in my fase and i was so mad! i got two pimples on my fase! But, he kcissed my pimples so i four gave him. I love Miranda Sings so much! She is de kyueen!

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