House upgrade

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How to upgrade your house and make people think you are living a luxurious life with a very small budget

The first thing you've got to do is get your parents outside so they won't cry and wail when they see their precious old things being sold to get more money. Now, we have a bigger budget.

Starting from the front door, it would be nice if you could display all your 'good' shoes in the family near the door. Don't buy shoe-racks because your guests won't notice your shoes as much as they should if all the shoes are neatly arranged in a shoe rack. The best way should be to dump them all on the floor so, it is hard for them to open the door and thus, they will surely notice your marvellous collection!

For the living room, we need to concentrate on creating more space. A good idea will be to replace your TV with a black chart paper. TVs these days look thin anyways. Now you can remove all the hassles of wiring because your new TV does not require wirings!

Please remember to remove your bulky children and their school items from the living room, this will create more space.

Moving on to the kitchen, we need to remember to be neat and tidy by placing every item in a box/container. This shouldn't be hard because all you have to do is pick every thing lying in your kitchen and put it in a box. Make sure to keep your windows open at all times because this is what pictures of kitchens include in Google images.

Next, we come to the bedroom, we need a big bed so, please go through the difficulty of measuring all your family members and relatives, including long distant relatives. Then you'll have to calculate the length and width of a bed that fits all of them comfortably. If you live quite far from each of them and find it extremely difficult to measure them because their sizes exceed the tape, you may go into a furniture shop and say that you need a king-size bed. Before you start arguing that you were never going to invite all your relatives at once for such a big bed, let me stop you. This bed is not for your relatives but for one member of your family. You'll need to do this to every bedroom. You see, this is the 21st century and today, one person sleeps in a bed that can accommodate all their relatives in the world. This is because people believe in more personal space in today's world.

Last, but not least, we need to replace your bathroom walls with glass so that people can see that you bathe daily. Also, they may be cleared from the doubt that the reason you stink is not because of your lack of bathing; and also because Google images like glass-bathrooms more.

This is the end. Hope you enjoy your 'luxurious' life.

I sincerely hope the best of wishes in being useless. Hope you succed.

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