Chapter one: The girl in the studio

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A notification pulled Yoongi out of his work. He closed the track he was working on to see an email he had just received from Namjoon. Must have been important, usually if RM had something to tell him he would just call or come over...

He took his headphones off and opened the link he had just received, so he could go back to work as soon as possible. Simultaneously his cellphone vibrated, he rolled his eyes.

How hard was it to get a minute of peace and quiet to finish this damn song?

It was a text from Namjoon that read; '' I think I downloaded some malware by accident. Don't open any weird file my computer sends you!'' Namjoon had probably downloaded some porn again to get a virus like that. Hopefully that email wasn't dangerous!

Yoongi's heart stopped as he tried to get back to his track, but it turned out impossible as he received an error message. ''KIM NAMJOON!'' he yelled while his screen turned blue and glitchy.


The God of Destruction had done it again.

But this time he did things the grand way. Both his and Yoongi's computers were grilled, along with them, the tracks for the new album. It was a major setback and Suga was so enraged that the rest of the band feared for their lives, but none as much as RM, since it was kind of his fault after all.

The technician went around the studio once again with a grave expression. ''This is bad... It'll take a while to get this place back into working order and restore the files... the fastest way would just be to buy new devices, but then, forget about those tracks.'' the man explained.

''We're not loosing those tracks!'' Suga protested, he had not spent that many sleepless nights for nothing.

''A while? How long is a while?'' Namjoon asked with a nervous look back at Yoongi.

''We're talking a couple of weeks... Same for the other studio...'' the tech man said. Namjoon gulped and Yoongi kicked the wall.

''We don't HAVE weeks!'' Suga protested while the rest of the group looked at each-other not even daring to speak a word.

''Okay. Everyone calm down. We'll just have to rent a studio for a little while. If we keep up the same pace we had, we'll be done with the new songs just in time for the tracks we've already recorded to be restored. In the end, it won't push the release date that much, if at all. Alright? I'll go make some calls.'' the leader said in a firm but reassuring tone.


''I'm sure you'll be pleased with the experience at our studio. It might not be as spacious as what you're used to but our production value is quite respectable.'' the owner said while leading Namjoon inside the small studio.

The place was a bit worn out but the equipment was modern enough. It wasn't much, but at such a short notice, it was the best they could get.

''The acoustic is great you'll see and the mixing room has had some recent upgrades.'' RM nodded absentmindedly, trying to figure out if the boys would be alright with this kind of arrangement, but he was brutally ripped out of his thought when something caught his eyes in the mixing room in question.

The place was so covered in band posters you couldn't see the the color of the wall and it was full of wires and equipment of all sorts. Sitting in the middle of that mess was a blue haired girl with headphones on, so absorbed by whatever music she was listening to that her eyes were closed.

The owner knocked in the window between the recording part of the studio and the booth but she didn't seem to hear it. So he simply got in the mixing room without further notice to rip the headphones off her.

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